Kuraiko yelled again over comms, Blade must be in a mental shit storm at the moment, and Mike was in a shit storm also. Someone needed to get the gears moving again. "Everyone! Keep your heads and lets make these motherfuckers pay! Lets show'em what Rough Riders do when you take one of ours! For Arcade!" He roared over the comms, his heart poured into every word. Arcade was part of his unit, and that alone made everything personal. Did these assholes think...Honestly think they were gonna walk away clean from this? No. They're ALL gonna die. They killed one of the Rough Riders. For that, there's Hell to pay, he hoisted his rifle up, and shouted two more words over comms that would hopefully swell their hearts and inspire everyone. "For Landren!" He shouted as he raised his rifle and charged, volleying rounds at any GEAR that wasn't in his unit. He smiled as he finished off the marksman that Mike had shredded and the machine gunner before one of the three "Regulars" had forced him back down. "Alright Mike, space is yours! Use it!" He took cover and checked his ammo, 320 rounds left. Two extra drums on backup. Three others left. He popped up quickly, ripping down a third GEAR, then slipping back behind cover. Relying on his team now to finish it, he needed to conserve ammo. Even though he had plenty, a sustained engagement with an empty chamber just flat out sucks. So he waited, hoping with all his heart Blade would join them again.