[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/Idna3il.jpg[/IMG] [b]The Short of It:[/b] A neo noir crime thriller set in a fictionalised version of Dublin, Northern Ireland; Black Dove is the story of the Duffy Crime family and those touched by their thirst for power and control. A mixture of crime, drama, romance, comedy and surrealism are all ever present in this dark reflection of Dublin. Taking inspiration from epic crime thrillers like The Wire and The Soprano’s (with just a little hint of Sin City in there) our goal in this rp is to build a universe, more so through the development of characters, relationships and interesting interlocking storylines, rather than “Hey, I’m a gangster, I’m gonna shoot you”. If this is something you’re interested in, READ ON! [b]The Story So Far:[/b] [img]http://static.bbc.co.uk/programmeimages/608xn/images/p01gyw2k.jpg[/img] [i]”The Original Black Dove gang”[/i] It all began with a handshake. Brendan Duffy has just returned home from WW1 and with what little money he had managed to save, he opened up his own carpentry store. Business was slow to start, he needed money to keep himself afloat. With that in mind, he came into contact with Domnhall Donnelly, a local crime figure and with a handshake, Donnelly handed Brendan a hefty some of money to keep his business going. To make sure Brendan kept up his end of the bargain, Domnhall sent his daughter, Faye to keep an eye on him. Of course, like any good old fashioned gangster story, they fell in love. Faye had a wicked mind and seeing Brendan’s soft nature, she convinced him to murder her father; which he promptly did so with a saw. Through this act, Faye gained control of her father’s empire and became known throughout the Irish underworld as the Black Dove. She and Brendan married and had a large family, settling down at a farm just outside of the growing city. [img]https://nypdecider.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/tommy-grace-races.png[/img] [i]The Carpenter and The Dove: Brendan and Faye meet for the first time and thus begins a dynasty[/i] Over the intervening decades, the Duffy Crime Family grew with each generation bringing new skills and new horrors to the table. The Black Dove became the symbol of their family as well as the logo for their family business: Duffy Windows and Doors Manufacture. Now in the 21st Century, the Duffy’s still rule over Dublin with an iron fist. An extended network of family members and associates placed in the most pivotal and most powerful positions in the city keep the family on the throne but that doesn’t stop enemies trying to take the crown. November 1st 2014, a Black Dove lands in the centre of the road, a low winter sun rises and an Irish Crime Story begins….. [img]http://tiffography.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/928_skyline8bw.jpg[/img] [i]The Black Dove’s Playground[/i] [b]Character Sheet[/b] (to be sent to me via pm) Appearance: (RL pic please) Name: Nickname: (If Applicable) Age: Place of Birth: Family: (Only immediate family needed here) Relationship Status: Occupation: (Legitimate and Illegal if applicable) Personality and History: (Three and above paragraphs) Extra: (Anything else you want to add) [b]Rules[/b] 1. We're in the casual section, so no one-liners. At least one paragraph of detailed content per post. 2. Respect each other and treat each other as equals, any disagreements take to PM. 3. If there is a problem between players the GM's will help solve it so that we can do what we came to do - have fun and write something riveting. 4. Cussing, gore and romance is fine, but if you're getting into serious territory, please fade to black or move to pm. 5. If you don't post within a week we'll check in with you and if we don't get a response we'll remove your character from play in a fitting manner. 6. Two main characters is the limit 7. Have a good time 8. Follow all general RPG rules