[quote]If I am a hypocrite then it implies that I dissed non-serious or casually rp'ing folks, then posted like them anyway. That accusation is false and only shows you misjudged me based on your perception that I contradicted myself. I respect all forms of RP and all role players, you included. So I'd abstain from labeling you with a single word, will keep it to myself. Avoid drama and keep this a healthy discussion instead of starting unnecessary flaming with a person I don't really know. [/quote] I'd really like to hone in on this, because this really speaks to the heart of my point. I casually roleplay. Very little of what I write would I deem inspiring in any manner. I know precisely when I write something that is better than what I normally do - a post that someone, but maybe not everyone, finds inspiring. [i]Writing. Is. Subjective.[/i] I respect roleplaying even if I do it casually. Even if my posts aren't that inspiring. These posts, which you still have in your OP, do not ruin threads. [quote]I don't really see my posts as grand, but I am confident enough they are not trash, or mediocre even, I can give you the input of numerous others to judge my writings. Like said it is subjective, so your own liking of my posts are your own set of judgment and criticism. And the zombie RP is called 'The Walking Dead: The ties that bind', and I am very aware that my posts in that particular RP are of high quality because I actually admire the subject. I don't know what you consider high quality and inspiring, big and eloquent but empty words? Long paragraphs of fillers? Read my first three posts on that zombie thread then come back here and you may judge and criticize. [/quote] You'd have to link me to it, which I'd actually greatly appreciate. However, I didn't call your posts anything. You are the one trying to tie negative adjectives too them. What I did state is that your rant and your posts don't seem to be congruent. --- I will also reiterate that your experience is what you make it. If you are struggling to write with particular individuals, you can find other individuals to roleplay with. You have the most power in crafting your user experience - you should wield that power.