January 2000 Research: Under Pressure from multiple people in the government Greece has started much more research into military. They have started to try and develop nukes so they could hopefully defend any attack Turkey would try to do. Economic Update: 1: Start to create a railway to across the country so Athens could get more good quickly 2: Start trading with Serbia and other countries in the Balkans who want Turkey Gone. 3: Start Modernizing Athens Political Update: 1: Start integrating the Byzantine Liberation Movements leaders into the government so they could help influence other countries to attack Turkey 2: Start a draft all across Greece in which anyone drafted must serve 5 years in the branch of the military they are brought into. 3: Start creating spy networks all across Greece so no Turkish Terrorists can do anything to land that rightfully belongs to the great nation of Greece. 4: Create a much larger port in the Peloponnese as if Greece starts Plan B(yzantium) they will need much better ports for trade and ships. [hider=Reply to Russia] We will gladly accept your offer to buy those weapons from you and it just so happens that the US has misplaced a good amount of Planes and Guns, we would gladly like to setup a deal between our two great nations [/hider] [hider=Offer to Russia] We would like to ask you for an Alliance, we are afraid that Turkey might be funding terrorists and we feel like if they attack us you would be a great help [/hider] [hider=Offer to China] We would like to ask you to start trading with us [/hider] [hider=For Turkey] We would like to warn you that if you even dare move troops to our border we will mobilize. [/hider]