"Yessir. It's just that..." Frostbite paused for a second, and took a breath. "I'm out of juice. Y'know, my antifreeze. I was due for more later today, but... With everything going on..." He trailed off again, his thoughts evidently worrying him. "Is this going to be a problem?" He glanced back at the others, his voice hardening. "I've got one more, but don't want to be a liability if something goes wrong." The words echoed in his head: [i]'one more'[/i]. He had a reason to be afraid of running out, of course; he'd literally freeze over from the inside-out. It was a side-effect from how he gained his powers. Not taking the antifreeze serum would start out as just being incredibly painful. Then, he'd slowly become completely immobilized, before his organs freeze over entirely and kill him. Almost like a poison, in it's own way, and the serum is the antivenom. The trouble was balancing it, as an overdose would suppress his powers proportionately, or outright kill him. Knowing this, he only kept so much in supply at once, to make sure the wrong person didn't find it. His secret. Well, between him, Batman, and Ice anyway, and Batman was his only shot at getting more.