[b]James MacFusty[/b] Jimmy split up from his small group as Hagrid led them into the forest. Despite the fact it was usually Forbidden, he loved to go in during the wee hours of the morning and -- for lack of a better word -- [i]adventure[/i]. Of course, he was really searching for the herd of unicorns that lived in there which he saw only once during his third year, not that he would admit it. He wondered what sort of creature they'd be learning about... Maybe it was a dragon? Nah. It couldn't be too dangerous, given that Hogwarts was a school... Knowing Hagrid, it was probably something unique. Care of Magical Creatures always was his favourite subject. His first thought upon seeing it was, [i]Merlin, what even is that?[/i]; however after the surprise at its distinctly orange appearance, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It didn't look like something that could ravage villages and breathe fire. Jimmy did have to resist the urge to go and run his hands through its fur, though.