Alexi watches with a faint smile as his beloved mentor once more binds his wounds, his worry, though expertly hidden from all, is still quite evident to his life long admirer. True, Alexi may be the master of this house, however Joseph if far batter than him at many things Alexi could only dream of even understanding. [i]'I can not wait to see you free Joseph. I am sure you will want to keep serving me, but I will not be around to do so. You hate slavery, perhaps more than any I know, and you will continue my work even if I am not there to order it of you'[/i] His fond smile does not falter as Joseph helps him back into his clothes then goes to retrieve the little troublemaker. Climbing carefully to his feet Alexi follows Joseph out of the room, watching Riley chew on the vampire's clothes like a dog with his favorite shoe. When the boy meets his eyes though all Alexi sees is the intelligence shining out. [i]'M'Tinak are fascinating creatures. It is not like the animal behavior is fake, that is how they are naturally, however it is not the whole truth. They are so connected with everything around them in nature. . . I am loth to think about those stuck in concrete cages. . . .Though, this cage will be more decorative, it will still be a cage. . .I need to get the wiring figured out so he can at least roam the halls during the day. . .'[/i] As soon as Joseph announces that he's at his new room Riley springs out of the vampire's arms and begins racing around the room. Every once in a while he'll stop and scratch at something, declaring loudly that it's “Mine!”. Meanwhile Alexi laughs softly. “Thanks you Joseph. Please, for now, keep him locked in here until I get all the wiring sorted out and set the collar to the house.” Looking over at the vampire he adds, “I will be taking dinner in my room tonight, and I think I would like to lay down for a bit before hand.” He is careful not to mention his “guest” in the hallway. “Also, you will find a large box in my main study behind the panels along the south wall. Please bring them to my room right away.” He knows Joseph may be curious about the order, but he will find out soon enough what's in the box. “I would like to speak to Elaria first thing tomorrow morning too, in the eastern sun room, please let he know. I know I could do it, but you know I hate texting. . .” He pouts a bit, for a moment making him look like a kid again. Finding nothing remotely plant like he bounces back over to the door where Alexi and Joseph are talking. Latching on to Alexi's side like Velcro, making the human stumble a little, he looks up into the madman's face with wide eyes. Pawing at the bandage over Alexi cheek he whines, “Plant, plant! I want plants! Flowers. . . I like flowers. . . .” Alexi holds out a steadying hand before looking down at the demanding little slave. “Plants. . .Yes, feel free to ask Joseph about redecorating your room.” Riley's head whips around to the vampire and a moment later he's clinging to Joseph instead, growling and snapping mixed in with his whining and demanding.