Well, I certainly missed a bit while I was asleep, alright, if I missed anyone's comments or questions, do yell at me, yea? @TheBigJon: Sorry for missing the one comment, I agree with adding race, homeworld, and equipment to the CS, my bad on that. I'll do that momentarily. @Commander Ada Larkin: Certainly, your welcome to play a spy/smuggler, with or without force potential. On the whole Shryiiwook business, I'll leave that to a character by character basis whether they know the language or not. @Blackbeard & Sep: Sep's on the money, I would avoid using Darth unless you intend to aim for one of the senior most positions within the current Sith Empire group we got here. As for titles, I'd figure Knight or Lord would be fine, or you can always eschew titles completely, there are always going to be those that do, after all. Alright, as for organization, there will be an actual chain of command. We'll have the overall leader, several Darths below that, and then a Lord/Lady usually heading up an entire operation, usually. And beneath them would be the usual amount of knights, assassins, marauders, apprentices, so on and so on. Killing ones Master would be usually frowned upon currently, due to the rather limited pool of experience and talent in the higher ranks. However, there is nothing preventing one from [i]getting[/i] their master slain, since that implies a degree of subtlety and talent on the student, and a lack of skill and foreplanning on the Masters part to avoid such a fate. Just a thought to keep in mind there. And for the WIPs, just mention something when they are done, and I'll take a closer look at them individually then.