Name: Sentinel Airus Hollows Gender: Male Age: 24 Species: Miraluka Homeworld: The Jedi Academy is closet thing to home for Airus. Physical Appearance: Standing at 6 foot 3 inches Airus is not a small man however he is only of average build. He has soft auburn hair that kept short and thick. His face is very soft almost friendly unlike most Jedi who are very serious and with a blue headband wrapped over his eye sockets he comes off as a kindly sensitive man. Never scene without his robes on or a weapon at his side under his robes he has plastisteel plates to protect from explosives and blaster bolts. Personality: Airus is pretty friendly often hiding his emotions with humor and a smile. In actuality he is real quite pained, believing the Jedi council betrayed him along with his former master in taking away his sister. Due to Airus being in secret exile he has become very good a making friends and getting know people on a personal level forming friendships and bonds of trust. Airus also has become wary of Jedi more traditional who have always looked at him with shame, this was due to fact Airus himself was the child of two Jedi who fled the temple but were forced to leave him behind. Most Jedi look down on him as they believe him weak and unable to perform as well as other Jedi even if his track record says otherwise. Skills: Airus use's two styles of light-saber combat Jar'kai and Shii-cho. Equipment: Airus carries four light-sabers to of more recent design built by him and to older models formerly owned by his parents as well standard robes given to most Jedi along with a few plastisteel plates for added protection. Powers: Force-immunity (Able to hold ground when being force pushed and able to survive interrogation by force longer.) Force sight (Seeing though the due to lack of eyes however because of weak force control he could considered near sighted, but this does allow him to sense peoples motives and force alignment, provided he close enough and has a clear line of sight. Flaws: He severely lacks in piloting skills, barely able to keep a ship moving much less perform combat maneuvers, as most Jedi use the force when they pilot to give them incredible reaction times and intuition. Also because Airus was born from a Miraluka mother and a Human father he has a weak immune system and a weak force connection he sometimes has trouble seeing far away which can be a problem as he has no eyes. Personal History: Airus was born of a secret relationship between two Jedi, he has never known his parents and the council refuses to speak of them as do any of the master's Airus has asked in his time at the academy. Airus display's extreme skill with the blade learning two forms of light-saber combat and being very well adept in both of them, his force powers lack substantially, which is why he trains in force-immunity rather than healing or combat techniques. By age 18 he was made a Jedi Sentinel of the order, he was promoted at a young age due to the fact many masters at the temple felt presence tainted the place with the fact a promotion and a back water planet assignment would keep far away and keep him from gaining a Padawan or becoming a Master. During this time he also built both his first light-saber soon after he and his former master were deployed to Tatoonine as Jedi Watchmen. It only took him a few weeks to figure out why he had been sent here, his old master and only friend would leave at the end of three years, where as he had been assigned there indefinitely. Two years later during a routine patrol he and the Master Jedi saw a burning house and made haste to see what had happened as well as signaling the local authorities to the disturbance. They arrive to find what to find a man and women dead from Sandpeople raiders and a young Miraluka girl cowering under a overturned speeder, while the master comforted the girl he searched the home. As he looked though the smokey building he felt the force drawing him to the bedroom were he collected a lock box and raced out coughing violently. He noticed the box had a force lock on it drawing upon his power he unlocked it. What he found inside brought forward emotions he had once buried, photos of him and his parents right after his birth and a letter addressed to him and their light-sabers. He broke down crying as he read the letter from his deceased parents, both of them having gone into hiding and having another child 8 years ago's, his sister. Taking the lock bow, he looked at his master, asking her to step away from the girl, as he walked over giving her a hug and wiping away her tears telling her of there shared parents. He promised her that he would look out for her then turned to look at his former master holding the girls hand, he raced past the master Jedi to his speeder, abandoning the home. The siblings spent days together hiding out and talking become very close before deciding to escape this world. He made it to the spaceport before the local authorities caught him, his old master taking away his sister as they both kicked and screamed not wanting to let go of there only remaining family. After that incident Airus was sent into exile, most of the orders younger members and even a couple masters understood his plight and how he must feel, he now spends much of his time traversing the planets and facing criminals. While of course he was allowed to return to the temple or the academy at any time he could not bring himself to, not until they let him train his sister. The council would never agree to this though as they thought attachment would weaken them both, thus Airus would not work with other Jedi again. Until he received word that in exchange for joining the task-force and completing the missions assigned to him he would receive the right to take his sister on as his Padawan learner. During his time away the council kept a eye on him trying to decide what should be done he is to skilled to place in permanent exile yet to tainted to teach. They decided to offer him a chance at teaching his sister knowing full and well that he would jump at the chance, they hope he falls in battle so they place his sister on the right path and remove his stain from the Order.