[img]http://i.imgur.com/AXy5Xzf.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ylO8F8C.png[/img] [b][u]Cuttersbury - Trail to Drych Lake[/u][/b] Syed recoiled so harshly from the hole it was any wonder he didn't give himself whiplash. Not that he seemed particularly pleased, awkwardly holding his previously trapped arm out like he was conflicted as whether to cradle it to help the pain or hold it away to avoid the stinky blood-smeared goo which now smothered it - which didn't help his shoulder much. Although a spell sent his way from Amy helped sway the decision towards the latter. This was [i]terrible[/i]. At least his arm was still in one piece. Moira quickly took advantage of her bound partner's regained mobility to rush towards Tobi. She raised her fist, ready to clobber the dazed Varren in her path... quite understandably, the Varren ran away. Fair enough. Except it wasn't the only one. Simultaniously, the Varren all began to chatter and whine, seemingly listening for something before scattering. Taking the unconcious, injured, incapacitated and disorientated along with them, diving into the warrens and out of sight. This fight was too much for them. They had a little difficulty retrieving the frozen Varren, and then just outright gave up trying to stuff that one into a hole leaving the poor thing stuck halfway. Wait, was that it?! "W-wait!" Syed cried out with uncertainty. Their mission! Meanwhile Moira continued to run towards Tobi, fist raised. With a yell, she brought it forward... and was promptly knocked flying as a rock struck her across the head. A rock which originated from the ground [i]exploding[/i] between them all. Shockwaves spread across the ground, causing many people to tumble and causing the ground around Tobi to crack and loosen. What... what was that?! Syed looked up from the floor - freaking out slightly when he realised how close his stinking hand was to his face - and he couldn't believe his eyes. Sunlight shone down on them all... creating a spotlight upon the creature which landed before them. A Varren, even bigger than all the others stood before them. It had one arm pointing to the sky, the other pushing it's shades further up it's nose. It wore a leather jacket on it's back, held a piece of straw like a cigarette in it's mouth, and it's spikes... the spikes on it's head... were shaped as a pompadour. It looked upon them all, looking upon those who had hurt it's brethren. It shuffled it's feet, span on the spot, before giving them a clear thumbs down. Big Bro Varren was going to make the Pride [i]pay[/i].