Name: Sergeant Austacar Condar Trooper-02456 Callsign "Hunter 2-4" Gender:Male Species:Human Age: 27 Homeworld: Dantooine, though his family is more of a spacer family Faction:Republic Role:Marksmen Physical Appearance:[url=] Austcar [/url] Personality: Cold and calculating, Austacar cares very little for the lives of the enemy he hunts them like he hunts any other animal, he is particularly fond of wounding enemies and seeing who comes out to take the bait to save their friends lives, under fire or on base he is still the same stone faced and stone hearted, he does not say very much. Skills: -Skilled Marksmen - Adept Close quarters combat specialist - pretty good at hand to hand combat -can drive a swoop bike like a pro Equipment: TF-E armor, helmet can be linked up to the tacpad on his wrist to act sort of like a spotter for him also has advanced optics within the helmet, Blaster pistol, Sniper rifle, thermal detonators, Vibroknife Powers: N/a Flaws: His lone wolf attitude tends not to make him very many friends, he tends to disobey direct orders to chase after his "Quarry", His knowledge of electronics does not extend past his wrist mounted tacpad. Personal History: Born on Dantooine too, a big game hunter and his wife they lived the nomad life style his mother would tell him he was lucky he was not born on a ship. But his life was enjoyable to say the least he got to see much of the galaxy, got to help his father track down big game and learn the skills his grandfather taught his father. As Austacar grew older his father would trust him with more things by age 14 he was holding the rifle himself and taking down many a beast, but Austacar also felt like something was missing from his life something he couldn't quite put his finger on. But he found it in old holovids of republic battles from days past and found himself filled with a sense of patriotism so he left his nomadic ways at age 18 and joined up with the republic military. His skills as a marksmen were quickly noted and he was transferred into a paratrooper regiment that terminate any sith splinter factions that dared rear their ugly head. He earned his stripes in these battles because the brass saw potential, but his commanding officers only saw that his lone wolf attitude got in the way and the brass was rewarding him for it. They made his life a living hell for it but he didn't give them any reaction he did what he was told and still managed to save lives. Through his years of service he had distinguished himself in many battles, eventually brass saw a better use for him in TF-E and transferred him into the unit where he uses his skill set to hunt the enemies of the republic at his discretion.