Clearly Slughorn -- she refused to give him the title of Professor seeing that, unlike the other teachers, he wasn't [i]teaching[/i] -- hated his job. Reading out of a book? Boring! Nevertheless, Siobhan slid her pristine textbook out of her bag, flipping it open to a random page to at the very least look like she was doing something. Staring down at her textbook just in case she caught Slughorn's attention, she quietly (for a Gryffindor) said, "Transfiguration and Herbology. We were supposed to be doing practical work, but Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs couldn't keep quiet long enough for us to get started on it. Just some theory questions." Deciding it better not to continue giving how much she had disliked her subjects so far, Siobhan swiftly changed the subject. "How's Slytherin been treating you? Your attempt at coming over to the Gryffindor table was pretty cool."