[quote=Scarifar]Nekroz's.[/quote] Oh, that reminds me. Two quick announcements before things get confusing. For the purpose of this RP, any archetypes post-Qliphag will be using their OCG names instead of the TCG names. [s]Ritual Beasts[/s] Spirit Beasts [s]Necroz[/s] Necloth etc. Additionally, in the event that a card has different rulings in the TCG and OCG, we'll be going with the OCG rulings. The only example I can think of right now is [url=http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dragonecro_Nethersoul_Dragon]Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon[/url]. In the TCG rulings, battling a monster with a Rank instead of a Level means that none of Dragonecro's post-battle effects apply; the user doesn't get a token, and the opponent's monster doesn't have its ATK to go 0. In the OCG rulings, the only difference between Level and Rank is that fighting a monster with a Rank won't yield a token; the opposing monster still loses ATK. Just to clear that up right quick.