As Alvar sat beside the table, Granny served him breakfast. In fact, Bacon and Eggs became already boring meal, but still it was better than seeds and vegetables. He took fork and knife in his talons and began to eat. Granny kept looking at him. He didn't noticed when did she changed her clothes. She was now standing in a pink long-sleeved shirt and blue shorts. This all became weirder and weirder. She knew that he wasn't human in one day, and then she kept pulling off all these creepy tricks on him. When he was done eating the half of his food, he looked at her with his keen eyes. In a moment he tipped his glasses as his eyes changed from deep blue to a deep purple color. He snapped his finger-like talons and pointed at her projecting an image of perfect, half purple half orange circle with different sumbols and inner circles. Granny didn't had a chance to react. She felt a pain spike on her arm, and noticed a cut on her shirt, as well as on skin, where freshly opened wound started to slowly bleed. Without a time to waste, Alvar started reading what was written here. In a matter of seconds he was done. He gazed in her eyes. "[i]How[/i] long would you hide it ?" Granny crossed her arms, but Alvar was in middle of is complaint, effectively making her silent "I knew there was some weird magical anomaly when I came to stay in a few days. But I did not expect that you are a hag." "Sonny, don't call me a hag. Witch sounds better" Whatever. Alvar sighed, and stood up, magically bringing his items to himself. He knew that was a bad omen. When his rucksack came into his hand, he checked his things. It took him few minutes. He then made some food for himself. He had to keep supplies for his next days of wandering. In a while he packed few plastic bottles of Cola and water, as well as few sandwiches. Granny came to his side and packed few apples. She wasn't mad at him that he discovered who she was. Someone other than her grandson who stayed in her home without fear. he then pointed him at the door. Without a doubt he gone in the direction of the, and gone outside. Hearing clicks in the door, as she locked them, Alvar parted his ways with Granny. T'was a bit sad, becausee he wanted to thank her, but he felt they might meet in the future. Activating his illusion, Alvar headed from the countryside to the town. His mind was fully aware now, now that he left her side. He was concerened with people disappearing. He knew it was work of demons. They were possesing the people, and leading them away for their own purposes. But Granny was a witch. She wouldn't be possesed that easily. With this thought he carried on and headed for town. He stopped after few steps. He looked in the direction of the warehouse. This place... It seemed to be weird since he descended upon earth. But now he felt extraordinary lifeforces around it. He tipped his glasses, as he imbued them with his magic. They started to magnify his vision. He looked around the rooftop, to notice a girl in a common clothing and hood, jumping on the rooftop. This was no ordinary jump. He knew she used some kind of power source or machinery, but most presumably it was magic. He then set his sight on the other side, seeing a guy in a bandana closing in to the building, as he was eavesdropping on the other guys. If he would want, he could scan all of them right now, to prepare himself for the future. But that would give his position away and calling danger upon him. For now he remained in his position as a stationary observer. It was good that there were no people at all. Because in case of emergency he could use his powers unnoticed.