Mikael's sights did not change, but his direction veered slightly, letting himself be guided by that which broke the valley's silence. Having chosen his paths earlier, his agility carried him over steep slopes and crevasses without needing to hesitate. Hopping up and over a ledge, he quite abruptly found himself within speaking distance of his first encounter. The other individual appeared distracted, entranced even, as he motionlessly watched the clouds in passing. Mikael found himself pause as well, but felt no inclination to mimic the gesture. Rather, his dilated eyes observed the man's figure, noting his long trench coat and unrecognisable mask. If all else, it appeared he was a man who concealed things -- a lone trait which made him the opposite of Mikael's ideal opponent. Having judged his sort of character, it came to little surprise that his words were ridden with double-meanings; but while most fighters would intend such as a threat, his voice and mannerisms suggested otherwise. The almost involuntary nature of it was found especially discomforting, and little was done to hide this from his expression. "...Wouldn't be an ideal place to kill." Mikael said bluntly after a pause, finally breaking a smile and shaking his head. His stance was more rigid than his voice suggested, and his left hand rested upon the sheathed knife at his side. "No-one would notice it here." With another shrug, his reasoning was given with complete nonchalance. "Isn't much of an accomplishment, y'know?"