[b]Name:[/b] Zaheed Kast [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Human - Mandalorian [b]Age:[/b] 29 [hider=Physical Appearance][IMG]http://i59.tinypic.com/28ji4cw.jpg[/IMG] Standing in at 6'2, Zaheed has a large, athletic build, well suited to the rigors of combat. Underneath his armor, Zaheed's body and face are riddled with scars and healed wounds from the various missions and campaigns of his mercenary career. His body also sports numerous tattoos, some of which are traditional Mandalorian tattoos. Underneath his custom helmet, Zaheed's face has sharp, angular features, with clean, short hair. [/hider] [indent][b]Personality:[/b][/indent] Calm, and collected, Zaheed Kast, better known as just "Kast", is a highly disciplined, and efficient, if aloof Mandalorian mercenary. Selling his services to the highest bidder, Kast avoids forming personal connections and prefers to remain professional and formal. Able to maintain his cool under fire, Kast is capable of operating at peak efficiency in high stress situations, and is quick of mind as well as action. Kast, is extremely analytical and often picks up on small details, as a result of him typically operating by himself or with a small group of people. He is slow to trust others, believing strongly in the greed of individuals over any morals they claim to have. The exception to this is when Kast is in the presence of another Mandalorian, where he is much more open, and much more willing to trust. Living loosely by the values of the Mandalorians, Kast considers himself an honorable mercenary, and therefore many cuts above typical mercs and guns for hire. [indent][b]Skills:[/b][/indent] - As a Mandalorian, Kast has been extensively trained in the arts of war. Due to years of training, as well as several years as a mercenary, Kast is well versed in: [indent]- Marksmanship - Close Quarters Combat - Tracking - Weapons and armor use - Small squad tactics - Individual tactics - Stealth and Espionage - Torture techniques and defense - Starship flight [/indent] [indent][b]Equipment:[/b][/indent] [b]Beskar'gam[/b] - Kast wears a highly customized suit of Mandalorian armor forged form beskar, or Mandalorian Iron. This high quality armor is both extremely durable and protective, and has served Kast well over the course of the last decade. While the body of the armor was forged with help from his family, Kast wears a newer, custom tailored helmet with a built in HUD. The new helmet replaces the sweeping edges of the typical Mandalorian helmet, with rounded surfaces. His armor's undersuit is made from armorweave, as is the cloak he wears. [b]Boost Pack[/b] - Kast wears a Boost Pack, as well as a pair of jet boots, granting him limited flight. His boots, allow him maneuverability, while the pack itself provides vertical and horizontal thrust. [b]Wrist Mounts[/b] - Wrist mounted weapons are extremely popular amongst Mandalorians, Each of Kast's wrist gauntlets has mounts for two pieces of equipment. Kast regularly changes these pieces out to fit the situation he is in. Weapons he often mounts are: Mini-flame throwers, grappling cables, Security/Hack tools, concussion missile launchers, wrist mounted blasters, poison dart launchers, whipcord launchers and retractable blades. [b]Compact Blaster Rifle[/b] - A marksman rifle favored by Kast, it fires in two modes, a three round burst, or a single powerful shot. [b]Blaster Pistols[/b] - Kast carries a pair of custom blaster pistols with him. Like his rifle, these blaster pistols have two fire modes, a rapid two round burst, or a single more powerful shot. [b]Other Equipment[/b] - A veritable walking armory, Kast carries a variety of gear with him, either in easy to reach pouches, or hidden on his person. He carries a few thermal detonators, several blades, field rations, an emergency medical kit, a set of stun cuffs, and spare power cells. [indent][b]Flaws:[/b][/indent] - Rarely trusts others - Works for the highest bidder - Has difficulty forming meaningful relationships - Generally cold and aloof [b]Personal History:[/b] A rough and tough Mandalorian mercenary currently under the employ of Taskforce Episilon 217, Zaheed Kast was born and raised on Mandalore. Originally born as Zaheed Ara, Zaheed's parents were killed in battle when he was young, and he was subsequently adopted and renamed Zaheed Kast by another Mandalorian couple. Now the first and only son of the Kast family, Zaheed was well loved by his new family. He began his first lessons with his adoptive mother at a very young age, learning the basics of warfare as well as other various lessens of importance. When Zaheed turned 8, he was ready to accompany his father as he began his 5 years of survival and military training. During this time, he learned the majority of his combat and survival skills, from marksmanship, to tracking and hunting. The 5 years training with his father were difficult, grueling years. His father was caring, but very traditional and strict, and enforced upon Zaheed the highest of standards, reasoning that his son should be able surpass him when he got older. It was also during this time that the Mandalorian ideals of loyalty his family and clan, discipline, courage, and respect for his heritage was stressed and ingrained into his being. Upon turning thirteen, Zaheed underwent the rite of passage known as the Verd'goten, where the skills he learned over the last five years were put to the test. The trial was a difficult, and harsh ritual, but due to his father's strict training, Zaheed passed with what was deemed exceptional skill, he was declared officially an adults in Mandalorian society. After completing the Verd'goten, Zaheed returned to his father, whom along with several clan elders would provide him with even more advanced training over the course of the next 5 years. During these five years of extra training, Zaheed forged his helmet, and with the help of his family, forged his armor. Upon turning 18, he left Mandalore with support from his family and began his career as a mercenary. Within his first year of mercenary work, Kast had already underwent a series of close encounters and dangerous scrapes, including losing, and later retrieving his armor, as well as almost dying several times. During his first year as a mercenary, Kast had realized that there were very few people that he could regard as honorable as a fellow Mandalorian. This first year shaped the rest of his mercenary career, as he made smarter choices, and trusted less people, and as a result complete more missions successfully and got into life threatening situations less often. He was in the employ of several groups. At times he worked as an asset for the Galactic Republic, other times he was assassinating Republic officials, or working with pirates and smugglers. Picking up a reputation as a dangerous, but dependable mercenary, capable of a variety of tasks, from killing to stealing data, Kast racked up an impressive track record of completed missions and became a go-to asset for many high profile companies and individuals. Now over a decade after leaving Mandalore, Kast finds himself once again in the employ of the Galactic Republic as an asset for their Taskforce Episilon 217, providing his wide expertise where it may be needed.