I personally had a hard time actually dealing with people who go overboard on the expectations of the other characters. Once in a roleplay a character called Paul Lyons was forced to team up with a group of pirates. He pointed and waved his weapons around and what not while the Captain, Paul's boss, was more earnest towards the pirates. Keep in mind Paul and the Captain are MILITARY persons whom are mainly known to fight AGAINST pirates. So when Paul kept being a jerkass to a group of pirates over the course of about one or two days of in game time to a group of people he just met; my Co Gm came and informed me about a day or so in real life time, if that, about a plan by the other two roleplayers to NUKE the entire ship just because they're not trusting towards these characters. Yes Paul was a complete asshole but he was not only my character and he wasn't the one in charge. But I was also the GM of the roleplay. So effectively you're plotting to NUKE the Gm's player characters...and then what? You continue on with the GM casually being like, "Oh yeah you just killed my characters....ALL of them on a massive ship... over them being trigger happy with a group of criminals? Yeah I don't fly like that even if they were not my character never would have I resorted to outright killing the GM's characters or any other player characters in the first actual chapter of the story... Yeah I'm not expecting obedience from player character. You can argue in IC, you can try to get around things and acquiesce to things. But to kill an entire group of military soldiers whom are simply not willing to trust pirates with recently captured tech they haven't seen before is unacceptable. .