[img]http://i.imgur.com/AmxI4Io.png[/img] [u][b]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/b][/u] Jett observed Lute tackling the varren as it was in the air. Cool! So attacking its belly would kind… well kinda… well it has a soft spot! The awe faded as Lute crashed into him and both of them fell to the ground. He threw out his hands and he tucked his head in. He tumbled to the side almost varren style to avoid the Virtuoso from landing on top of him. The H-ranker straightened up and realized another varren was bearing down on him. "Geez! Cut me some slack will ya?" He swung his yo-yo violently in a wide arc. The red disc helped him deflect the sharp claws reaching for his face. He bit his lip when he saw his fellow Guilder being swarmed. “Hold on!” Jett yelled. The newbie blocked a few more blows from his current target. He jerked the string harshly, and the yo-yo sped back to him. The suddenly movement caught the mole off-guard. Jett blinked slightly as his weapon hit the side of the creature’s face. He totally wasn’t expecting that, honestly, but it worked. The sharp knock was just enough to make the creature flinch without actually hurting it. [i]See ya![/i] "Lute! I'm back... with ya." Jett yelled as he dashed towards the white haired man. He swung his yo-yo forward in such a huge arc that it missed the varren. He exhaled loudly in frustration. Then the newbie did the first thing that came to mind – he stood behind one of the moles and threw his yo-yo forward in a straight line with as much strength as possible. The yo-yo rapped the back of the varren’s head lightly before the red disc fell to the ground. The novice crouched low to reel the string back when he came face to face with a pair of beady eyes. He froze for a second before he was sent sprawling to the ground. His previous opponent was back with a vengance! Jett huffed. He bucked around trying to throw off the Varren, but the creature hooked its claws into his shirt and refused to let go. Jett got to his feet clunkily just as another varren swiped at him. Jett moved his head lightly to side, but the sharp claws scraped off bits of skin, leaving several gashes. Reacting purely on instinct the newbie aimed a hard kick at the animal. He missed completely. "What's... oh man!" He groaned as the piggybacking mole dug its claws into his shoulders till it drew blood. "Get off!" "Get off!" He yelled a second time as he threshed about. The red yo-yo whipped around crazily as Jett spun round and round trying to free the unwelcomed passenger. His two other opponents sat there watching. They appeared mesmerized by the flashes of red. Jett felt really giddy, but apparently, the varren was feeling it too. The poor creature let go and rolled onto the ground. The newbie Guilder lurched around drunkenly as his yo-yo scraped against the ground. The bad stench assailing his nostrils didn't help one bit. Jett felt sick to his stomach. Instictively the H-ranker clamped a hand over his nose and mouth. He wasn't sure why - probably to block out the smell or prevent himself from hurling, whatever came first. Jett heard shrieking coming from his opponents before the earth shook violently. The poor rookie pitched forward and lay quite still. Jett grumbled mostly to himself. "Please stop or I'm gonna puke."