Welcome to Excidium, a city that was turned into a temporary base for an organization know as Libertas. During the time a group of rebels called Neo-Clearance rose up and started to combat Libertas but lost half their member's thanks to a traitor among their ranks. Now six years later Libertas has made the city a police-state and Neo-Clearance has gone off the radar becoming only a myth among the population. Races: Interquis (A group of humanoid's except their legs are curved to the point they look inhuman below their torso but they can change that depending on their age.), Humans, Energy user's, and Tenebrae. (Tenebrae is a race of beings that are able to resist attacks that use Energy.) [hider= Energy types.] Fury Rage Hell Evil Satan Depravity Fate Dark Fate Corruption Dark Arm of Fate Dark Blood Space Dark Arm Dark Void Dark Fear Repulsion (Requires owner permission.) Pure Time Light Havoc Cyber Blood Pure Blood EM Conquest Ice Water Good Fire Plasma Dark Plasma Nega Negative Impurity Life Judge Illusion Celestial Blood Shed Choice Fire Darklight Nega Creator (Permission needed again.) [/hider] [hider= CS] Name Appearance Gender Dimension(Goes through A-Z for now.) Race Personality Alignment: (Exp: Libertas) Age Bio Form's: Energy type: [/hider] Rules 1. Do not attack other characters without approval of the character's owner. 2. DO NOT control other peoples characters without permission 3. Give suggestion's and ask anything you need to. 4. Discussions are welcome. Fighting is not 5. NO God Modding. 6. No OP character's. (To a certain limit.) 7. If you have a problem with something we can discuss it. (Hopefully like mature beings.) Credits: To the owner's of items used. (Pic's, ect.) Sidenote about the Energy user's, Interquis and Tenebrae: EU's: They have a high intelligence but have a major lack in close range fighting. Tenebrae: They lack in intelligence but they are much better at close proximity then having to fight at range. Interquis: They have three forms 1.Normal 2. Titan. 3.Giant [hider= The leader's] Name: "Zevrox" Appearance: His normal appearance Zevrox has a red eye while his other eye is missing, long black hair that cover's his face and his skin is a sicking grey. Clothing wise he wears a blue long sleeve shirt, black pants and grey shoes. Physically he is scarred across his body and his height is 7'10. Gender: M Dimension: A Race: Interquis Personality: Zevrox is a "pleasant" individual but his voice shows no emotion and stays cold. Alignment: Libertas Age: Unknown Bio: Not much is now about Zevrox except that he formed the Libertas as a mean to achieve his goals. Form's: Titan [img=http://media1.myfolio.com/users/Hageti/images/thumbs/52s0n5onjr_poster.jpg] Giant [img=http://media1.myfolio.com/users/Hageti/images/thumbs/hyh3p87ot1_poster.jpg] Energy type: Repulsion Name: "X" Appearance: X has snow white hair, red eyes, and pale skin. Clothing wise he wears a black hoodie, grey pants, and white sneakers. Physically he 6'11 and has a scar across his left cheek. Gender: M Dimension: B Race: Energy user Personality: X is a quiet and kind individual but underneath that kindness is pure hate for all living life that has sided with the Libertas. Alignment: Neo-Clearance Age: Physically he is in his mid-twenties. Bio: Like Zevrox X created Neo-Clearance to achieve his goals but unlike Zevrox X created Neo-Clearance to defend the people rather then put them in constant hell. When Neo-Clearance first began X left it's command in the control of a council which gone to hell after X had to leave for a time to deal with a force know as Abbadon in Dimension V. Energy type: Time. [/hider] [hider= Approved CS'] [/hider]