Jinny watched him carefully, her dark eyes simply taking everything in. Once he was finished, she held the map and studied it. Her head was slightly tilted to the side, and her eyes were moving back at forth at an almost imperceptible speed. Finally, after a while, she nodded. "I get it. This is easier than remembering random names of places. They don't even make sense. Daddy said that there used to be... trees, and rivers, and... birds and stuff. It's hard to believe." She shook her head, then looked to him. "So... what kind of way do we want to go? I mean, we could go this way. It's shorter, but there's a bunch of towns in the way." She put her small, grubby finger on the map and traced a fairly direct path. Then she mapped another one, more wide and winding. "Or... we go this way. I think there would be... more random stuff to deal with. Animals and crap, but hopefully less scary people. Hopefully." Her face went slightly pale, and a shiver went through her. "What do you think, Mr. Josh?"