"Sure," Siobhan said excitedly. Perhaps they would see the Giant Squid while they were out there. "Maybe even go into the Forbidden Forest..." Either way it would be better than sitting around with the other Gryffindor first years in the common room and the desperate wand waving in an attempt to hex each other when nobody knew how to. "I hope this ends soon, though -- Merlin, Slughorn's annoying." With a sly grin on her face, she continued, "Think he'll bother us more since he knows our names?" Siobhan turned to the correct page, a dull description of to make the Cure for Boils potion, step by boring step. She would have [i]tried[/i] to read it, at the very least, had it been even slightly interesting; however, since it wasn't, she didn't feel the least bit guilty for ignoring it. There was a reason she wasn't a Ravenclaw!