“What did the fool think we were going to do?” Gilgamesh asked rhetorically before the jeep came to a screeching halt. Several yards away, a creature on all fours and twice the size of a full grown wolf stood facing them, baring its fangs. Its skin was leathery and teeth were massive. It had claws the size of daggers and its shoulder blades protruded out at an abnormal length. It had no eyes. The soldiers were frozen into silence. “Do you speak?” Gilgamesh shouted at the creature. The creature merely roared viciously in response and showed no indication of moving out of the way. “Kill it,” he said with disdain as he stepped out of the jeep. His soldiers took their rifles, stepped out of the jeep and began unloading their clips into the creature. “An alien from different planets you say?” Elysia said with a raised eyebrow. Sure, she could see Skylar somehow bringing her to earth. However even though he was a strong poet, he didn’t seem capable enough to send all those being to earth. “How in the hell did you all accomplish this mess. This doesn’t sound like something Skylar would do. Sure, maybe he’d do something like that on my own planet to screw with us. However not on Earth, I don’t see a reason why he would do that.” Who was behind all of this and for what purpose? Was it a high powered poet on Earth or something else? Although she heard of some of the things poets were able to accomplish in the past, nothing seemed to stand close within Ryton’s history to the events that were taking place here. How could a single being out of countless species be able to be brought here and what was made each of the beings unique enough to be chosen out of the whole population? Out of all the citizens on Ryton what made her unique enough that she would be chosen? The news about the aliens being hostile didn’t surprise her. Without counting the predisposition certain species might have for each other based on the past or current wars, there were other factors to consider. Although her specialty wasn’t in space travel, she heard bits and species from others to know that many didn’t think and act like those from Ryton nor like those from Earth. Sure, there were a few species that just wasn’t on par concerning technology or morals which was understandable seeing that many of the other species were not as old as those from Ryton. But other species were dangerous and barbaric in nature. With animal like in instincts, reasoning with them was usually impossible to do. As the jeep came to a halt, Elysia focused on the alien in front of them, hoping to retrieve some data about the being. “Crap, I’m on my own.” Elysia muttered with distain as she remembered that she was unable to reach the database. She’ll have to find a way to fix it later, if she was lucky maybe she could find a way to use Earth’s technology and either reach Ryton’s database or even use Earth’s database if they had something like that. However that would have to be something she worked on at a later time. As she pulled out her gun, Elysia flicked her thumb to the right and switched her ocular enhancement. With her target focused, Elysia joined into the fray as she watched for any sign of a weak spot. There was no eyes to shoot to blind the creature and the leathery texture concerned her as the soldiers took aim. Would there bullets be enough to stop it? How will the creature fight back if it is able to? Joining in with the soldiers, Elysia began shooting as she watched with caution, wishing she could pull up data on the creature.