As Midori-Nyan charged forward, chanting the Skill Name, she would feel an extra surge of strength as her weapon seemed to shimmer just a very small bit. Upon slashing at the archer, this strength would burst forth, giving the power of her attack an extra kick, even if that kick was a mere 10% according to the Skill's description, that kick would undoubtedly go up as the Skill became more powerful. The archer tried to dodge, but to no avail. The blade managed a deep, but still rather grazing blow as it raked across the creature's torso as it tried to step back, its very short stature helping it barely escape a much deeper blow. Still, the long, red gash meant that a pretty hearty chunk of damage had been done to the enemy. How much damage, however; was left to be seen since there were no enemy HP bars present. Upon successful execution of her attack, a few windows appeared for Midori. [hider=Skill Get!] A Skill has been created through a Special Action. Through practicing and attacking with a sword held in two hands, the ability to better use them, Two-Handed Sword Expertise, has been created. [/hider] [hider=Two-Handed Sword Expertise] Two-Handed Sword Expertise (Lv 1: 0/100 XP) (Passive): Deal +10% Damage with two-handed swords. Also get +1 Damage Range, +5 Accuracy, and +2 Parry Defense with two-handed swords. To Level: Attack, Parry, Use Attack Skills, Defeat a Foe, Get a Critical Strike. [/hider] Still, both foes were still alive, but it was clear by this point who was going to win, but that didn't mean that the battle was over yet. Two opponents, albeit heavily wounded, were still alive and raring to kill the players.