[img=http://img.pandawhale.com/post-28947-let-me-explain-no-there-is-too-gxhB.gif] Thank you, Clirkus, for the awesome .gif For those who don't know, Paranoia is a TTRPG where just knowing the game has rules is grounds for the GM/Friend Computer(Overlord with fucked up programing that runs the entire gameworld) to kill you on the spot...as well as doing nearly anything else. It's basically a practice of lying, keeping secrets, framing others, and making sure you're the only one to survive. By force, if necessary. I won, in a game that can not be won, [i]ever[/i]. Explanation time. I had never played before, never read any of the rules or source books, and new nothing of the lore/world. GM and players were ecstatic at the revelation. PCs are Troubleshooters. We do exactly as our name implies... We find trouble, and [i]shoot[/i] it. We have Red level clearance(on a scale going from Infrared, Red-Violet, to Ultraviolet) that's not worth shit, and are allowed 6 clones(lives) before degradation sets in. And everything can and will kill us, including our own gear...and each other. The game can be played for humor, or darkly straight. The group I was part of tends to mix both types very well. Me being a RP/system breaker player type from my years as a D&D player, well... It's a bit of a long story so Standard start. bunch of red shirts are sent off on a job(que rolling up characters). I end up being a Illuminati plant in the PURGE society(two of MANY secret societies in the game, with PURGE wanting to destroy the Big Brother computer overlord) and team Loyalty officer. It's my job to make sure all my team is loyal to Friend Computer. Did I mention, I'm in PURGE? With a Machine Empathy mutation that if Computer finds out about, I will be killed on the spot with my clone Template ERASED? And a immunity to truth serum? I didn't? Oh, well now you know too much. Die, [i]Commie scum[/i] Yeah, that was basically how the game played out. Someone would figure something out about me, or plan against me, and I would pile up a few gambits...ok, a LOT of them, and end up on top of every situation through simply knowing how to read and manipulate people. Through the use of said gambits, solid logic, logic bombs, and liberal use of(down to earth) insane troll logic, I managed to kill off all of the Ultraviolets(NPCs and one player), most of my team, convince Friend'puter that half of them had my hidden mutation(getting them erased), and rising to Ultraviolet myself, just to use a mini tacnuke to destroy the Computers main servers, forcing it to shut down and reboot off the back up servers, which I had already reprogrammed to obey me while I was still a lowly Red Troubleshooter. Using now Walker Computer, I had it issue orders to other Troubleshooter teams to hunt down and methodically wipe out all of the secret societies, black market, useless members of R&D, and form a new government under me. Bringing the entire Alpha Complex into order and fixing nearly everything people of greed had nearly destroyed before hand. But by far, my two favorite moments from last night had to be my explanation for why I had killed a Ultraviolet level PC, and the last thing the GM said to me before we all left. The first was as follows: "Friend Computer: Why did you kill [insert oc]?" "He game me a order that clashed with the Orders of Friend computer. I informed him of my orders from you, Friend computer, and he told me to ignore them. Only a commie ignores the orders of Friend computer, his orders would have made me a filthy commie. Only a commie would give that kind of order. I shot him for being a filthy commie, Friend computer" "good work" Later in the Debriefing, accused him of also being a Technopath, he was not there to defend himself(or any of the other PCs, had justified killing those that did not kill themselves off as well) and got him erased. As for the GM, "Tonight was a amazing game, but if you want to come back for another session...you have to promise to not be so...so...um, no offense, so damn sadistically efficient." "So Leroy Jenkiens, got it." Fun fun, would play again.