As he sat down, he gave the occupants of the room a final scan before focusing on Vlad. He didn't recognize anyone here, likely owing the tight measures they had placed on him. During his brief introduction, all he got to do was exchange names with a few of them. He couldn't help but notice a brief stare from... Roxy, was it? Probably one of the more ordinary looking people he had seen wandering about today. But he knew this wasn't the case. He couldn't for the life of him guess what sort of powers they were setting her up with. Then there was the one with blue hair. That was an immediate eye catcher. Already forgot his name, though, given how much of a hurry he was in. Then there was the flower girl. He doubted this was one of those "hippy" things his dad used to rage about. She was far too young to have been alive when that was a thing, of course. Finally there was the tall one with the weird suit. That one intrigued him a lot. He never got an opportunity to learn what the suit is or does. As Vlad spoke, his attention immediately returned to him. Vlad. He had foreigner written all over him, but he respected him. He owed Vlad a lot for his second chance, and the man was a genius to boot. Kevin had never really put himself above others, but he here was, on the assembly line to become one of the latest, and one of the most powerful, weapons his nation had to wield, all thanks to the intervention of this mysterious man. The idea that he could possibly fail or anything that could go wrong never even entered Kevin's mind. Back on the front he was assured of his invincibility, and so he still was now. His fellow soldiers thought he was insane, the sort of things he pulled. But he just considered himself more motivated.