Silas nodded, biting back a reference from Mean Girls. Honestly, he blamed Slanie for having such a love for that movie, always choosing to watch it whenever it was her time to pick a film for movie night. Now he had such a girly movie stuck inside his head as if playing in a loop. He mentally cursed his younger sister and her tastes. Clearing his throat, and his mind, he leaned forwards. "And your family? Are they here?" He wondered briefly why he'd chosen that topic. Perhaps it was because he'd thought of Slanie, the only family he had left. Oh, there was Colin and the gang too. They were his family. Their bond was stronger than that of mere blood. He smiled to himself, thinking of that old phrase - blood is thicker than water - and how it was so often taken out of context. The full phrase was 'the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb', and it suited him and his friends perfectly.