[Img]http://i.imgur.com/G4Upteo.png [/img] [Img]http://i.imgur.com/H13183R.png[/img] [B][u] Cuttersbury: To Drych Lake Spa...again! [/u][/b] [I]"You've got me!"[/I] Moria yelled before launching a punch and sending the Varren flying out of its clothing. Nani watched with a practical lovestruck expression. Well she knew who her new favorite person was. Out of her short awe inspired daze, she realized two things. One, the spiky rats were going away. Two, there was a faint, yet terrible smell somewhere. Luckily, old sea dogs and sea hags smelled just the same- or even worse, so she could handle it. Although she questioned why pirates had to be so dirty sometimes. Hygiene wasn't just for on land! The ground shook, but she sturdy enough to keep her balance. Times facing storms helped that. Nani wasn't quite aware of what the Bro Varren was doing, but she didn't really care either. They were leaving and that's all that mattered. Before she took any step further, the pirate whistled a short pattern. Only seconds later Cap called back and then landed right on her shoulder. "Fight success?" He squawked. "Fight success!" Nani grinned and patted the bird's head before turning her attention to Moria again and clamping her hands together. "You are amaaaazing! That one move-" She paused as Tobi slid in front of her. With a grin she reached out and helped the male up. "Fun, right?" Though that didn't get to last very long because the redhead got their attention. And then it seemed the larger Varren had a bone to pick with them. "That thing is either dancing or stomping. I dunno, but it's not a very good dancer." She raised her arm to deflect the rocks and pebbles that were flung this way and that. "Cap, looks like you'll be taking another sit out. Don't need ya gettin' hurt okay?" "Aye aye!" He responded and then flew off to safety. "So, Anyone got any bright ideas? You know, besides dodging for our lives?"