It was unlike Gwyn to freeze up in battle. She usually reacted in a fluid manner, and did what felt natural to her. There were too many factors involved that distracted her and caused her to zone out. There were so many people before her. While it was true that her weapon and abilities made her more useful as a distanced fighter, she wasn't used to having seven allies. To make matters worst, the vast majority were in front of her. She couldn't charge in recklessly and use her weapon without possibly getting in someone's way, or worse. The chances that she would injure one of her comrades was too great a risk for her to take. The Faunus stood like a deer caught in the headlights, or a sheep even. She didn't really process what was going on around her. The circular boomerangs clattered to the ground somewhere between her and the Basilisk as her concentration with her Semblance was broken. The copies of the original began to dissipate as she stared ahead, unfocused. Moreover, Gwyn wasn't used to teamwork of any kind. Even a partnership between two people was a bit of a stretch for her. Taking direction from others wasn't something she was used to, and Nevin' Semblance only proved to distract her from what she should be doing. How was she supposed to deal with the not-so-subtle nudges that indicated to her what everyone else was doing? She didn't want to think about what the others were doing. His Semblance made her head ache, and started making her feel nauseous. Gwyn's ears suddenly perked when she heard her name, and seemed enough to bring her out of her reverie as she focused on the verbal command. [i]Aim for the eyes.[/i] She gripped Rhewlif more firmly and returned the boomerang to it's former location. She powered the boomerang up with the Dust inside of the weapon before using her Semblance to create a new set of copies. She duplicated the same number as before, creating a total of five in all. The original was the only one entwined with the ice-like Dust, however. The extra Chakrams hovered beside her weapon, two on each side. When Gwyn fired off the boomerang of her weapon toward the Basilisk's face, she sent all five after it simultaneously. Each of the Chakrams were spaced apart at different intervals as she directed them forward. She hoped to distract the Basilisk at best, but also hoped one of them would catch the Grimm's face somehow. The Basilisk managed to dodge her original, and swatted away three of her copies. He turned his face to avoid contact with his eyes in the process. It was almost as though it had managed to decipher Nevin's words. It was more likely that it naturally reacted in a way to avoid damage to the eyes. The final copy manage to strike the Basilisk's cheek, but there was no evidence of any damage inflicted by her.