He didn't get very far before he realized he didn't know the layout of the school at all. Where was he going to go and not get lost? If he was embarrassed now, he didn't want to imagine how it'd be if he needed assistance getting back to his room. So Auriel's voice was a bit of a bittersweet relief. It was certainly unexpected, no one ever followed when he stormed out, not unless they wanted to rub in the loss. Is that what he was here to do? Auriel didn't seem the type for that, but he'd been surprised a few times today already. But no, that wasn't the case. He turned to face the leader of the team, even if he couldn't quite look him in the eyes, and listened to what he said. It felt like a lecture, but really, that's what it was. What was he supposed to say that he could? He'd set himself up too early, and now there was too much to dance around and avoid to give a legitimate, solid answer. Auriel was more correct than he'd thought, this would [i]not[/i] be easy. "Fine." He felt his whole body shudder conceding to that, and he straightened back up, adjusting his shirt, and then his scarf. I'm...[i]sorry[/i]." His throat felt raw saying it, but he knew the options were slim, and he'd made a mistake acting how he had. He kept as straight a face as he could and proceeded once again towards the room, stopping as he passed Auriel and spinning about on his heel. A finger extended out at him. "No one else knows I said that, and I'll deny it to the grave."