After what seemed like days in the storm, it had finally passed, though Griff and Sammy laid on the main deck staring at the stary sky, they were completely lost, tired and exhausted, Griff more than Sammy, Griff thought he would die of dehydration due to all the seawater he swallowed. Sammy sat up and screamed “I’m booooored, I’m going to explore the ship”. Griff just closed his eyes and tried to relax, it had been an exhausting day, being chased by marines, a storm, almost capsizing, too much for one day. Inside the ship, Sammy began to explore, not lonmg after he started he sumbled into a dark room, he couldn’t see much in the dark, he felt around and found one of Griff’s toy soldiers, he remembered how to light it so he did just that. *KABOOOOM* Griff jumped up from the shock, “marines, did they find us?” he thought but the ocean was as clear as a dessert (or so it seemed in the dark), he noticed a faint smell of smoke in the air, then from a side of the ship, some wood floating, He leaned to see a hole in the side of the ship, right were his workshop was. Griff hooked himself to the ships side and swinged into the hole, Sammy better not have destroyed the gunpowder flowers. Inside he saw a hole on the other side of the wall were Sammy stepped out mad at Griff “HEY, I lighted one of your soldiers and it exploded on me!” Griff relieved it wasn’t the flowers just laughed at Sammy “jia jia jia jia, you tried to light one of my gas bombs, serves you right!” Sammy hit Griff in the back of the head “Don’t laugh at your captain now fix the ship, this was your fault” “My Fault? You came into the workshop and used my stuff without permission!” They went back and forth like this until they fell asleep from exhaustion, the boat free to be carried by the sea The next morning Griff awoke feeling refreshed and renewed, he got up and remembered, nobody was manning the ship! He ran outside to the main deck to see what was about. Sammy woke up as Griff ran out the hole in the wall. To Griff’s surprise they were ashore, nobody around at first glance, he jumped down and began to anchor down the boat properly, It was another miracle, or maybe all his luck running out really quick, but they seemed to be in the island they were aiming for, Griff re boarded the ship and began to set up traps in the boat, to stop any robbers or looters while Sammy got his hat and jumped to the shore below looking around. he took out his suitcase, bow and some gadgets and joined Sammy. “If this is the island on the map, then this is where we’ll find the gunsmith.” “We need a gunsmith so If he’s interesting I’ll make him join my crew” “Don’t cause a racket ok, this guy is not famous for his good mood”