The icy wind was cold, snow sticking to thick black fur like paint on a canvas. Mina couldn't feel the cold much, though the slashing winds whipped her skin in an attempt to get through. The canine was perched in a pine tree, sitting between the needles in an attempt to escape most of the cold, or better said the snow that stuck to her fur and soaked her warm skin when it melted. In the distance a howl sounded, long and pained, seeking for help. Mina recognized it as being a wolf's howl, coming from a source not too far from her. 'It's not your problem..' she murmured to herself, though her blazing amber eyes were fixed on the thick line of trees. Curiosity tugged on the girl's mind until she was urged to get up and slip out of her hiding place. It was a short walk, but the scent of blood was carried a long way on the icy winds. Soon enough Mina lay eyes on a large wolf, wounded severely and weakened in the harsh snow. Hesitance filled the fox for a moment, but one glance at the pouch of herbs on her hip drove her forward toward the weakened canine. She may not trust others, but letting one die in the snow was something she would not do. 'Hey...' she stated to make the other canine aware of her presence.