@Renny: I'm denying you for now, although like I said to Apollo before, your welcome to make some edits to fix some of the stuff I'm have issue with. First off, what side is he on? Like I said before, it will be more beneficial for all parties involved for the characters to have some allegiance to one side, or the other, in the terms of this RP. Second off, and probably one of the biggest reasons, is the amount of different force powers he has access to for a 16 year old with only sporadic training from his father over the span of 14 years from one individual, and no other formal training what so ever. Those are my two major problems with your sheet, address those and we'll see about getting you accepted then. @drallinix: I apologize for missing yours, that was my mistake. I am going to deny it for the moment, however, for a few reasons. Alright, at 19 years old, he is a "master of the lightsaber" while being effective at djem so, soresu, and juyo. Coupled with a nondescript extreme power in the force, which apparently can be up to ripping small starships apart, he seems just a bit more overpowered then I would expect from just a 19 year old who never fully finished his training. And there are quite a few problems with your bio, going from there. The Sith Empire formally fell 1100 Years prior to the events in this RP, so your mother dying when the Empire falling is kind of out of place in the timeline of things. You also didn't really meet the 2-3 paragraphs I asked for as well. Just putting it into a bunch of fragmented, shortened sentences doesn't really mean anything. Like I said to Renny, patch up this stuff and we'll see about getting you accepted then And I apologize to any and all if I come across as a hardass, I just don't want to see someone, without a reasonable justification or background for it, be able to utterly destroy all other parties involved. Combat, while present, won't be the whole aspect of the RP. A big thing to keep in mind is age versus experience, a 22 year old will be far less trained and experienced then, say, someone over 300 years old (Yes, I am referencing two other characters in the RP, who are good examples of what to do in this case). Are there exceptions, yes, rarely, but please try to keep that within reason.