[quote=LokiLeo789] ...My head hurts...BUT I HAVE AN IDEA I WOULD LIKE TO SHARE!!infantry- non meahc pilotsWhatever we call our ground meahc forces Maybe air support mechaGround support mecha, like tanky, large, bulky mechaSiege Meahcs- long distance cannon equipped mecha or sniper mecha.Then have a squad of 6 to 8Engineer Captain2 or 3 Ground Mecha Pilots2 Ground Support Pilots2 Air Support PilotsInfantry Mabye something like this will work, but maybe in a larger scale, you can have multiple squads or just one, were the whole rp will focus on one large squad were we all will choose on role.:P [/quote] so... 8 person squad.... 1 Captain + 1 Engineer + 2 Ground Mech + 2 Ground Support mecha + 2 Air Mecha? thats 8 already. And there's no infantry at all. This would be a build for a full on mecha RP....