Ms. Unemi Masako was still rather perplexed about the new situation at which she had been presented into. During the break before school had started it seemed as if for the first time in awhile she was going to actually be able to stay at the same school for more than a year. But out of nowhere her father told her that he had important business across the ocean and that she was to go to this place called Iwatodai apparently after doing some research she found out that it was one of those corporation cities that news was always talking about funded and constructed by the Kirijo Group one of the largest and influential corporations in the country you couldn't do anything without some technology or some project that was founded by them influencing it. Apparently her father was business associates or something with them whatever that meant probably just had coffee and went around golfing that was what influential business people did right? Because of this she was able to as fulfilling a favor go to the school their Gekkoukan where they had dorms so that she could stay and get her education while her father was away. Which was fine and all at least until she got there. Masako didn't know why but the place rubbed off on her the wrong way. Don't get it wrong everything seemed great and wonderful the streets were impeccably clean even though one hardly saw any form of sanitation workers, the people seemed friendly enough and the high school Gekkoukan was well built and the faculty though eccentric at times seemed to know what they were doing, while the students were nice enough to her though she really couldn't call any of them friends not that was their fault in the matter. But whenever she entered the grounds of the building a dark presence overtook her as if Death himself had appeared to loom over her shoulder as if the place was not all that it seemed. That and of course whatever happened in the middle of the night on the first two nights of her stay. She didn't know why but she couldn't go to asleep where usually it came very easily to her having to fight the urges to doze off in class and that was when something truly odd happened. As if she had entered some sort of alternate dimension the world around her even the moon turned sickly green in color as if some sick child had sneezed all over them in a very unappealing matter the first night she just thought she was dreaming and went back to sleep. The second night when it happened again she knew something was up but once again pushed it aside and went to bed. She tried to fool herself into thinking she was just seeing things again a common attribute she had growing up where she would claim to see all sorts of demons and monsters a fact that her father just put off as a very active imagination. Maybe it was just manifesting again she thought her own subconscious trying to tell her something maybe stop eating so many green things or something she had no idea. But that was the most logical conclusion because if she was right well wouldn't she hear the kids at school or the news talking about the creepy sickly snot world? Beside that though everything was perfectly fine the school work had just begun to pick up speed again with no time to waste the teachers hit the ground running and she had just finished her work and studying some time before. She had then progressed downstairs from her dorm room to the lounge/lobby area. On her head was her headphones connected to her [Url=]music player playing at a low volume[/url] and in her hands was the book that her father had given her before he left. That was just like him always pushing her to be well read and versed in the cultures and ideas of the world. This time it was Heraclitus: Fragments he was some old philosopher Greek she believed and all his writing was about the deeper meaning of life, Logos, etc and a certain quote transfixed her from it [I]Ethos antropoi daimon[/I] Character Is Fate. She liked that idea that a persons actions, that the person determined their fate not any gods or higher powers. She sat on one of the unoccupied couches and was reading it the music still going with one headphone on her ear and the other just off of it so she could still hear what was going on around her always trying to be aware of her surroundings. She had almost lost herself in a daydream like daze when she heard two masculine voices speaking together, curiosity getting the better of her she with a small motion lowered her music player until the music vanished into the void replaced with the sound of voices. She continued to read her book but still listened to the conversation as it played out one of them was complaining about his soda having vanished that was Takahiro right? Messy black hair and the bad boy slacker attitude every group had one she mused and than the one that replied to him in a calm fashion... that was Yoromatsu. Calm, collected, ace student, everybody seemed to love him and he was the heir to the Kirijo Group meaning calling him affluent would be an understatement. Her father must of have worked with his dad and that raised her curiosity about him just a little bit. Continuing to silently listen as she read the book the conversation topic changed and went in a different direction. They began to talk about... her. Amused she did her best to hid her smile as the two bickered back and forth well Takahiro bickered Yoromatsu was just playing him like a fiddle. Finally as they finished talking Masato finally thought it would be the polite thing to do to inform them that she was not deaf. Putting the book down she turned her head towards the pair and raised one eyebrow in a curios arch and with a bemused tone to her voice replied. "You know the bad mojo has ears right?" She asked plainly with a small hint of a smile on her face.