[center] [img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_8lzP2vCNpo/T4ObmZejkxI/AAAAAAAAAdo/Vh5tfJ8En9E/s1600/24+-+Maxie+Zeus.jpg] [i]They thought to imprison a god?[/i] [b]Name[/b] Maximilian "Maxie" Zeus [b]Age[/b] 36 [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Skills/Talents[/b] Zeus is a natural athlete who has long studied the Greek martial art pankration, a vicious combination of boxing and wrestling. Despite his general eccentricity and bouts of actual madness, he is also an excellent organizer and charismatic leader, with considerable skill in keeping his underworld activities concealed. [b]Powers/Abilities[/b] None [b]Weakness/Flaw[/b] While he is typically lucid and rational, Maxie's extreme megalomania and narcissism occasionally force him into brief times of insanity where he actually genuinely believes he is a god. These bouts of madness are usually triggered by the extremes of overwhelming stress or incredible good fortune. [b]Equipment/Resources[/b] [i]Combat Gloves:[/i] On the few occasions that Maxie does his own fighting, he dons a specially made pair of insulated gloves, the fingertips of which have been fitted with electrodes that deliver a painful, disorienting electrical shock when he strikes or grabs a person. [i]Greek Mob:[/i] Maxie Zeus is the unquestioned leader of Gotham's Greek Mob, numbering around 40 members, all career criminals, with associates, allies, and owed favors throughout the city. While the gang is not particularly powerful at the moment, its stability and the mere fact that it has survived the Batman and numerous RICO indictments make it an increasingly powerful force in the Gotham underworld. [i]Material Wealth:[/i] Between the legal income from his fashionable nightclub Olympus and the illicit gains from his underground casinos and sale of party drugs, Maxie has tens of millions of dollars squirreled away. [b]Personality[/b] Maxie Zeus has a fascination with Greek mythology. His unbridled ego and narcissism lead him to have a very high opinion of himself. While he is generous with his money, it is more to flaunt his wealth than out of any sort of philanthropy. The general public considers him just another irresponsible entertainment mogul. He considers the safety or well-being of others inconsequential to achieving his goals. As noted above, Zeus also has occasional breakdowns in which he actually believes himself to be the mythical Zeus. While brief and generally kept secret, these lapses in sanity have gone untreated. [b]Brief Bio[/b] Maximilan Zeus was nothing special to start with, just another Greek man getting by in Gotham. What made him different, however, was his unquenchable lust for power and respect- working a nine to five job was not ever going to be his scene. He eventually wormed his way into Gotham's small Greek gang. Overshadowed as it was by the bigger gangsters- Falcone, Maroni, Thorne, Grissom, all the rest- the Greeks had managed to carve out a place for themselves with backroom poker games, underworld casinos. It was Zeus' idea to open a legitimate place as a cover, and so the nightclub Olympus was born, a place where the gods came to party. The most happening place in Gotham, City of Sin. Looking out over the bar and dance floor, now the leader of the Greek mob, Zeus truly felt like his namesake. Then came the Batman, and the war against the political machine. One by one, the big gangsters began to fall. But even as the largest gangs were dismantled, Zeus and his Greeks were left untouched. Maybe they were too small to bother with, maybe it was due to Maxie's skill at concealing his tracks. Whatever the reason, the big boys on the block were gone, leaving the Greeks to take up the slack and Maxie's ego to inflate further. This has been a time of new wealth and prosperity for the Greeks as they've gotten into the market for narcotics as well as gambling, and Maxie plans to set his sights even higher. . . [/center]