[center][i]Aiko Cho-Hon, Konohagakure Jounin sensei of Team 8, Taking a rest.[/center][/i] Aiko looked nervous. Her hands were clam as she locked the door. Taking a step back, she looked still with a nervous look at the door. Testing it out, she closed her eyes. It was locked. The door was locked. The windows were locked. Slowly, Aiko turned around. Both Kei and Akimoto were on the second bed in the room. Together they had fallen asleep. Probably tired out by the events of the day. Glad that the two were asleep, Aiko realized she could take a rest as well. Koike had passed his match and Katsu had managed to gain a draw. Both had done their best and she was still proud of what they had accomplished. Realizing that it wasn't over, Aiko looked at the bed. It was all empty. All just for her to lay and rest on. To close her eyes and fall asleep. Walking towards the bed, Aiko felt the soft sheets. Not caring that she was laying on the sheets and not underneath them, Aiko closed her eyes. A smile started to grow on the thin lips of the woman, who was about to enjoy her well earned rest. Then her eyes shot open. Akimoto stood at the edge of the bed. His head was just barely in view as he stared at his mother. A bit confused, she wanted to ask him what was wrong. [b]''Mommy, I want a story.''[/b] The boy softly asked. Blinking a few times, Aiko wanted to tell him no. That he should get to bed so that she could get her rest. Instead, Aiko sighed and smiled. [b]''Shh. Come.''[/b] Laying on her side, she watched how Akimoto get on the bed. Beaming, he laid next to his mother as he looked at her, his eyes filled with anticipation of what kind of story he would get to hear from her. [b]''What about a story of a brave hero?''[/b] Aiko asked on a soft tone. Kei was still asleep and luckily, Akimoto seemed to understand the hint. The question was a bit silly, in the boy's opinion. Who didn't love to hear about the adventures of a brave hero? Thinking for a moment, Aiko had a story for him. [b]''Long, long ago. In a land far away, there was a young man. One that had a very big heart and courage, never seen before.''[/b] Aiko started. Though she would bend it a bit, it was actually more a myth from the Cho clan. But it would come in handy to tell Akimoto about it in a version he would certainly love. [b]''Did he had white hair? And a sword? And.. and .. a twin sister?''[/b] Akimoto asked on a hushed, but eager tone. The questions made Aiko smile as she gently ruffled a bit through the boy's hair. [b]''Yes, he had white hair. And even two swords that he could wield like one never had seen before. And though he hailed from a loving and caring family, the hero had no name.''[/b] This caused Akimoto to open his mouth as his eyes widen. A nameless hero! [b]''Our nameless hero traveled a long time on his own. Sometimes he would make a friend or two and spend time with them. But forever the road was calling to him, for there were unknown places that he wished to see. Knowledge long lost that he wanted to recover. But most of all, he was seeking for what was very important. Worth more than all the money in the world. More valuable than a whole continent or the riches of the most powerful rulers.''[/b] The boy was totally fixed on the tale that his mother was telling him. He could see himself, on top of a horse. Seeking for what was so important. Already Akimoto was trying to think what it could be. A third sword? A secret that would tell him how to be smarter than Kei. Or perhaps the best name! That would be great for a nameless hero. [b]''On one day, the hero rode on top of his steed towards a more mountainous region. He had heard of a very wise queen. The rumour was going that she had an answer to every question and though the hero doubted if that was true, he decided to try to see and gain an audience with this queen. The problem was that she only lived in a beautiful castle high up in the mountains. A place hard to reach for those who weren't known with the paths that would lead to her castle or who didn't had wings to fly with.''[/b] Aiko continued. She thought more about the myth and figured she couldn't really change most part of it. Maybe make it less grim than it actually was. [b]''It took the hero quite some time, but he eventually managed to reach the castle of the queen in the mountains. And he saw that it was a wonderful place. It was built like it was part of the mountain itself. Strong, yet having a certain majestic grace to it. And thus the nameless hero ventured into the castle and..''[/b] Aiko paused. She noticed that Akimoto had fallen asleep. With a smile on his lips as he clenched his hands into fists. Noticing something, Aiko sighed as she nodded. Silently, Kei would pull and climb on the bed on the other side. [b]''Mommy?''[/b] [b]''Yes, sweety?''[/b] Aiko asked as she would lay on her back. With one arm, she reached towards Akimoto and the other towards Kei. Laying close to her mother, Kei closed her eyes. After a moment she asked her question. [b]''Mommy, may I and Akimoto go on an adventure one day?''[/b] The question surprised Aiko a bit, but she smiled and had to even held a laugh back. [center][b]''As long as you stay together, Kei.''[/b][/center]