[center] [img=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/5/57746/2646433-cheshire_commission_by_artnerdem_d3d4vhz.jpg] [b]Name[/b] Jade Nguyen [b]Moniker[/b] Cheshire [b]Age[/b] Unknown [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Skills/Talents and Powers/Abilities[/b] -Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Cheshire excels at hand-to-hand combat, and is proficient in various acrobatic and martial arts skills. Martial Arts -Acrobatics: Her joints are extremely flexible/ she is triple jointed, making her a skilled acrobat. -Poison Specialist: In addition, she is also an expert on poisons, preferring to douse her fingernails into a vast variety of deadly chemicals.. [b]Weakness/Flaw[/b] She doesn't have any actual super power so she has the weaknesses of any normal human. Plus she has lost two children so she is weak when it comes to killing children or children being hurt if they remind her of her own children. [b]Equipment/Resources[/b] -Equipment *Poisons -Weapons *Sai *Katana [b]Personality[/b] (What do they usually act like. This can be left blank and played out in the RP) [b]Brief Bio[/b] Jade's mother was raped by either a French man or U.S. Senator Robert Pullman, it is not clear as of yet. She had a traumatizing childhood as she was sold into slavery. This made her psychotic, beginning her path to become one of the world's most ruthless mercenaries. She killed her master and was adopted by Weng Chan, who taught her all he knew of guerrilla fighting. She was taught poisons by the African assassin, Kruen Musenda, a.k.a. Spitting Cobra. She was married to Kruen for two years, before his death. She was a rival to the Teen Titans, but when Roy Harper was ordered by the government to infiltrate her confidence and bring her in, the two fell passionately in love. She did not know his identity at the time, but he walked out on her because he could not turn her in. She gave birth to a daughter, Lian Harper, who Jade loved but could not care for. She left Lian with Roy and returned to her mercenary ways, saving Deathstroke so he would aid her in a plot to steal nuclear weapons from Russia to obliterate the Middle East country of Qurac. These plans failed when her base was attacked and she had to flee. She later worked with the Secret Six and had sexual relations with Catman, becoming pregnant. But when she betrayed the team to Lex Luthor's society she was shot and critically wounded by Deathstroke. Though she seemed to be dead, she showed up alive in the Himalayas with her and Blake's son, Thomas Blake, Jr. Star City was destroyed by Prometheus, killing Lian. Cheshire is outraged and blames Roy for not being able to protect their daughter. She tracks him down and attempts to kill him. After a fairly even battle where they both suffer some minor injuries, they eventually stop fighting and surrender to their urges. However, Roy could not pleasure her, leaving them both frustrated. It was later revealed that Cheshire is a member of Deathstroke's new team of Titans. She appears battling Ryan Choi. While on the team, her and Roy restarted their relationship. She later convinces Roy to betray Deathstroke when the time is right. Cheshire's son by Catman, Thomas Blake, Jr., is kidnapped, chronologically taking place after the death of Lian. Catman goes on a murderous rampage believing the child to already be dead only to find that the man who orchestrated the kidnapping has given the boy to a loving childless couple and that the kidnapping itself was an act of revenge against Cheshire for murdering his family. Catman after realizing the child is better left where he is, informs Jade that their son is dead which sends her into a sorrowful rage, while Blake tells his son to rest in peace after killing all the kidnappers involved. Cheshire has now lost both her children. After a big battle against the Justice League Jade tells Roy she wants to leave everything that has happened recently behind her, including him. Thus ending her relationship with him and returning to her mercenary ways for good. [b]Other[/b] [i]Gotham, City Of Maddness[/i] [/center]