Masako shook her head with a face somewhere between empty stoicism and genuine amusement as the two looked at her in surprise, apologized and than moved their conversation elsewhere. She then wondered if it was the best idea to tell them that she was listening, did it make them trust her less, but it was only the polite thing to do right? She was always easily confused about the whole social interaction thing as a whole probably because by the time she made friends it was time to leave again but that really didn't matter at the moment. Complaining about the woes of her circumstance would never get her anywhere in life and she had to overcome them move past her obstructions as water flows past a rock. So she turned her attention back to her book. She had just gotten through another two pages when she heard the sound of more footsteps approaching. It was another one of the residents of her dorm Hotaru. She had seen him once before and when they had made eye contact he quickly doubled out of the room, that was on the first day and she had not seen much of him since. She wondered if it was something she had done something, broken some ethical code that was present in Iwatodai about the use of eyes to look at people. Or maybe he just didn't like her or something. That happened a lot too and so it could always be the case even if the thought of it bothered her just a little bit, if they were to be living together they should at least try to be friends right? But if they should all try and be friends why did she speak up against Takahiro's claims that probably didn't do anything to help in the friend department. As she pondered these thoughts Hotaru sat down on the far opposite side away from her moving around as if he was stepping about a minefield or something and keep on giving her looks when he thought she wasn't paying attention like she was about to murder him or something. As she sat down she looked in his directions and with a small semblance of a smile she give him a wave. Hoping that she did not break any other deadly Iwatodai social norms and that he would be struck by her audacity to wave at him or something. After that she was about to return to reading her book when Yoromatsu and Takahiro returned as Takahiro walked past her she felt a chill through the air as if Hell itself had frozen over and the succubi were making snowmen and the dammed were having snowball fights to the death. She tried her best to repress the shiver that ran up her spine as Yoromatsu approached her. She was a bit surprised when he apologized for Takahiro's actions it was not like it was his fault or anything but it was a nice enough gesture none the less. At least somebody wasn't treating her like a total freak of nature. She shrugged her shoulder and let out a sigh as she spoke. "Don't worry about it. It happens a lot since I move around a lot. People always think I'm some sort sort of malicious entity come to ruin their perfect normalcy. Like I'm some kind of axe murderer not that I would ever kill anyone with an axe... They are too messy and ineffective when you can just as easily choke someone to death or hit a pressure point... And now I sound like a complete psychopath... Great Job Masako." Masako explained stumbling over her own words.