Leith watched as the kid got angrier and angrier as the group ignored his order. If it weren't for the carnage around them, Leith would have thought the kid's anger amusing. Leith raised an eyebrow when the kid started shouting to someone in the house. Why was he at the window instead of his parents? [i]Maybe they're injured,[/i] he thought to himself before the kid stepped into view. [i]Or maybe he snapped[/i] The clean ring on the bloodied hand of the kid was what caught Leith's eye after he got over the shock of all the blood. The kid spoke again in a calmer voice. And the dead rose. It wasn't the mass of the dead that made Leith uneasy. It was the kid's eyes. The glowing eyes made him feel an unusual sense of dread and, oddly, anger. It didn't last long because the kid moved and a crossbow bolt appeared where he had been. Leith shook his head and realized that Grey was shouting orders. He nodded his head and turned to find Coco and their guide, but instead he ended up face to face with one of the Yarosmerian soldiers. Leith took a step back and smiled as the man apologized before he attacked. Leith shot his arm out and caught the soldier's wrist with his right hand. "None at all." He gave a small tug and tore the soldier's arm off, throwing it into the crowd behind the man. As the soldier stared at his arm in disbelief, Leith grabbed ahold of the man's chest and threw him at the woman that had grabbed Coco's spear. [i]"Shame..."[/i] Leith flinched and looked around. There was no one close to him so he shrugged.. He must have been hearing things. He drew his sword and got ready to fight. Grey had better get that door open quickly.