Sora and Midori glide around the trees, scavenging around. Sora made absolutely sure they weren't being followed. He felt as if he was responsible for Midori now, although he knew he didn't even have to help her. He looked ahead seeing her gliding around the treetops, looking down at the ground as if for food or something to do. It seemed like the two of them had been flying forever, but Sora pushed himself and Midori on. He knew they would be followed by the flock that had captured them. Sora didn't know how long they would be followed but he didn't want to risk anything. Midori simply followed Sora's commands because he seemed nice and like he knew what he was doing. It wasn't until then that Sora and Midori had heard the familiar screeches of a few falcons. Sora turned himself towards Midori, flying at an extreme speed towards her. he grabbed her and turned into a nosedive towards the ground. Midori realized what Sora was trying to get across and broke free, flying down under the trees by herself. They landed below the trees nearby some other animals. Sora slid close to a tree, Midori following. They were pressed against the tree as the falcons passed over head. Sora let out a sigh of relief before looking to the other animals. "They should be gone for now, but they will find us again Midori so be careful."