Being an expert navigator was a high note on Natsu's life. She was just so glad for her teacher and had arrived at the island perhaps a few hours or so give or take after the storm died out using the remains of the sharp wind to get her there taking her melting ice water and some nonperishable foods she had packed as well as some raw meet and began to explore the island mapping it out in her head as she went from one side to the other making sure to make as little noise as possible. It was dark, she had only the stars to guide her and an unfamiliarity with the place which were all bad news. She set up a little camp for the night knowing she wasn't going to get much sleep. In fact, she didn't. She kept waking herself up every other hour or so to do a check on if she had any unwelcome company around trusting her sixth sense that had kept her alive just barely in that forest. She then stretched out once the sun hit her face deciding to call it a morning cracking her back stretching out the kinks. She froze in her stretching tilting her head a bit to the left having heard something much like walking footsteps. She waited and pulled her sword out from its sheath it's point resting against a throat. "Don't you know its rude to sneak up on a woman who is armed? She might get testy and start attacking...especially if she just woke up from a poor nights sleep. So tell me....why I should allow your blood to stay inside your body." She said glaring at the idiot who thought it had been a good idea to try and sneak up on her. It was a man of some stature, sort of lanky maybe tall-ish, with bony hands. But she could recognize another fighter. Despite his mousy looks, she was willing to bet a panther lay in those miniscule muscles of his.