"Ok, we'll need Roshi, Flick, and Juza on healing, Kye and Slade for tank, and anyone who can do dps on deck..." Eliza thought to herself as she idly sketched the new shield she hoped would be dropped tonight on her game. They'd been working towards this boss fight for weeks, and tonight was hopefully going to be their chance to take him out! She didn't lead the charge, but often the girls who ran the groups asked her for recommendations. She didn't want to lead the show, but was always happy to lend a hand! Her cell phone blinked again for the fourth time in minutes, if she was stuck in class she'd at least organize the party in advance. "I hope everyone makes it tonight, it'll be nice to catch up with my friends overseas." The blink of several confirmed emails on Elize's cell phone reaffirmed her hopes. Most of her friends had offered to make it online tonight. There was another email from several of the regular "clan" that made her smile. "Happy Birthday Pixel! Hope you're having a blast beta-testing!" Looking up towards the other girls, ensuring she was quick about a response, thanking for the warm wishes. "Thank you everyone! I'll be online tonight. That lava monster is totally gonna get his butt kicked!!" As she looked towards the other girls held in this class, she sighed to herself as she realized she didn't recognize any of them. One of the things with her being a transfer student, and honestly, more concerned with her games then trying to get to know her classmates made her a bit of an "NPC" she was there to give a few one-liners, that was it. She was just the shy girl with the glasses, the horribly smudged glasses Elize noted as she began to clean them for what seemed to be the fourth time today. Noting the time, she wondered if she'd get to her home in time to meet online. As a precaution, she plugged her laptop into the closest outlet in case she had to hope to a cyber cafe for cheap wi-fi, she spoke to the other girls held in class. "I hope we find out why we are here soon...I gotta get online! There's monsters to be stomped..."