Damn it! Why had he not killed her while he had the chance? He had killed plenty of ninjas before. What made this one different? He cursed himself again, he could never afford to make a mistake like that. It was a lesson he had been drilling into his own students for the past year, and now he goes and does this? Masaaki forced his thoughts away. The girl was coming at him fast! He barely had time to draw his own sword in time to press it to her stomach before she had hers at his throat. There was a moment of silence between them before she ordered Masaaki to identify himself. He racked his thoughts quickly for some way to get an advantage. Then a sly grin spread across his face. "So you fell for it huh?" doing his best to keep his voice condescending. "I guess I was wrong. I told him I didn't think you were stupid enough to leave the merchant unguarded." Masaaki waited for a reaction. A sliver of doubt perhaps or even glancing back towards the merchant. Once there was an opening then he would strike!