Tony felt the wind in his air and his past at his back, as he made his way down Route 18 west. His grandparents were gone. And if his veteran granddad could be killed by those things in a small town like Lake City, his civilian parents had no chance in a massive city like Springfield. They were gone too, he determined, and continued to ride. For some reason, he didn't even shed a tear. He felt numb inside, as if the wind had seeped into his bones and chilled his emotions. The world was gone. There wasn't a single damn thing he could do about it. He decided then and there that he wouldn't even try to fix it. No, he would simply adapt, survive to the situation, become a product of the environment that sprouted from the ashes. He was nearing city limits when the bike gave a shudder, followed by an awful grinding sound. Tony just managed to slow it down to around twenty before the engine cut out on the road, a quarter-mile from a local convenience store. He lost control of the bike, and just managed to jump off before it toppled to the ground and slid off the road into the embankment below. Tony stood and felt a pain in his lower leg, but found that he could stand and put pressure on it, meaning that he still had a chance. In the apocalypse, no transportation [i]and[/i] a broken leg would be the last thing he needed. Getting his bearings, he looked around and located the store in the distance. From behind, however, he could hear groaning. A quick glance behind confirmed it: four of the corpses, undoubtedly attracted by the noise of the bike, and closing in on him. Ignoring the unpleasant pain in his leg, he made a run for the store. He covered the distance in a reasonable amount of time, although the group of walkers kept a decent pace with him and were only about twenty yards away. Reaching the parking lot, he noticed a man sitting outside on the pavement. From first glance, Tony could tell that the guy could handle himself. He didn't have time to determine the guy's trustworthiness — he needed help now. He drew his pistol and aimed at the walkers, calling behind at the stranger. "Hey, dude, if you aren't busy.." Tony yelled, before taking aim and hitting the closest corpse in the chest. The second one hit it's mark: right between the eyes. He chalked it up to luck.