[B]Story Outline[/b] [QUOTE]Through subterfuge, military deterrence and covert operations, the Russian Federation has subverted and reined in almost every former member of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and has expanded the sphere of influence of the Collective Security Treaty Organization beyond that of the former Warsaw Pact. During this growth in influence, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization initially adopts a policy of appeasement, taking great care to avoid World War 3 with the Russians. It's only when evidence of direct links between growing anti-Western movement in Eastern Europe and Russia is leaked by intelligence operatives that NATO's members finally agree (due in part to public uproar) to reactivate a rapid reaction force first established in the early 21st century. You are a part of this rapid reaction force, and you won't have to wait long to get in the action. It's widely believed that Poland is quickly on it's way to becoming the next international flashpoint. Warnings have been given to both Russia and CSTO however: NATO can no longer remain idle if a crisis does occur in the region and is prepared to intervene using military action. And though many disregard these warnings as just posturing on the behalf of the Western people, and despite the very distinct possibility that the warnings are just posturing on the behalf of the Western people, the newly appointed commanding officer of your unit plans to deploy his troops (and you) at the first sign of trouble. This is with or without the approval of his superiors.[/QUOTE] [b]Character Sheet[/b] [QUOTE]Name: (First, Middle, Last Name) Age: (Given the level of experience the Task Force is looking for, everyone should be at or above twenty, at the very least) Gender: (Male/Female) Appearance: (Picture, description or both) Background: (Civilian history and military service record before joining up with the Task Force) -------------------------------------------------------- Rank: (Up to Captain) Unit: (There's three types of platoons I'll be primarily deploying: Drop Infantry, Drop Mechanized, Drop Armored. Infantry will consist of two eight-man infantry squads divided up into two fireteams with up to four additional weapon specialists attached to the unit. Mechanized units will have one twelve-man infantry squad divided up into two fireteams that will each have one weapon specialist and one mech in support. Armored platoons will be made up of four mechs alone. This isn't to say you're limited to one of these three. You can either form your own (unique or otherwise) unit in the Task Force and provide specifics about the unit or you can just join one made by someone else. I would recommend that if you don't feel like leading/making a unit putting "Unassigned" on your character sheet until you either find one or I put you somewhere.) Role: (Your respective role in whatever unit you're in.) Gear: (Weapons, armor and other notable equipment beyond the standard issue stuff you'll be deploying with.) Mech: (Details about your mech, if you're even using one. Refer to the post below, feel free to message me about any custom systems and weapons you'd like to add to your mech.)[/QUOTE] [b]Joint Task Force - Aegis[/b] [QUOTE]First, Joint Task Force Aegis only considers volunteers from NATO's respective member states, most of whom they prefer to have some sort of military experience. To qualify as an actual member of Task Force Aegis, each volunteer must first be vetted and cleared by Aegis' headquarters section. Following this initial background check, each volunteer may then be put through a physically and mentally daunting assessment and selection program that trains potential candidates up to Aegis standards and brings those unfamiliar with certain aspects of Aegis up to speed. Only [i]after[/i] going through this program will each recruit be trained for their respective role in the Task Force. The Task Force itself is divided into four main elements: Headquarters, Infantry, Mech, and Support. [b]Headquarter elements[/b] fall under the Headquarters Company, which will be issuing orders and relaying intelligence from Aegis' battle station in geosynchronous orbit above Earth. [b]Infantry elements[/b] make up the bulk of the Task Force and consist of versatile drop combat teams issued everything from advanced armored exoskeletons capable of cloaking technology to a vast number of remote controlled drones. [b]Mech elements[/b], as the only armored units in the Task Force, are the muscle behind Aegis and range from light bipedal reconnaissance platforms to four-legged heavy walkers armed to the teeth. Finally, the [b]support elements[/b] of the Task Force are the few spaceborne aerial assets under Aegis' command providing logistical and close air support in addition to the various combat engineers, medics and staff personnel that make up the rest of the Headquarters Company.[/QUOTE]