Robert continued down the hallways, getting lost and finding himself somewhere he had already been. Each time he found himself in a place that seemed familiar, he made an auditory noise like, "Aargh!" "Gahh!" and "Come on!" Eventually, he did find his way though. "Finally! Made it!" he said aloud, standing at the port for the airships. He approached one of the pilots. "Hey there, uh, sir. Can you take me to the city?" he asked. The man turned and looked at Robert, a fake smile across his face, "I sure can, kid." The man turned his back on Robert and continued doing whatever he was originally doing. Robert stood for a few moments, expecting the man to finish with his work quickly and invite him on the ship or something, but instead he continued looking at his clipboard only occasionally looking up to look at a group of stacked boxes. Robert tried to look over the man's shoulder to see what he was doing. "Can I help you?" the man yelled at Robert. "Yeah, I asked if you could take me to the city." "Well whoopty-fucking-doo," he replied and continued giving Robert the cold shoulder. "First those students from that one other team and now this guy. What is up with people, today?" Robert thought. Then he noticed the man's back pocket. It was obviously filled with a large object, and since people don't usually carry rocks, it was most likely a wallet. He could take the wallet, guy wouldn't even notice, and it's not like he didn't deserve it. But Robert knew it wasn't right, so he grabbed the man's shoulder and turned him around. "Listen, you said you can take me to town. Now are you going to do that, or what?" Robert said, trying to hide his anger. "No, I'm not!" the man said furiously. "For your information, students cannot leave the school at this time. So, go do whatever you annoying kids do here at this school." Robert stood still for a moment, with no idea how to respond. So he walked away, a little mad that he had no rebuttal. "Well what now?" he thought. "Maybe the rest of my team is still in the room. Yeah, I'll head there." As he began walking back to the dorms, he noticed several other students looking at him strangely. "Just keep walking, ignore them," he whispered to himself. He quickly increased his pace and whispered again, "I've gotta learn to stop talking to myself out loud."