Tiffany looked up, listening to his statements. It didn't take long for her to see through all of them, causing the demon inside to boast like a child. [i]'He's a liar~! Just like all the ret of them dearie. Oh, but you can see it, can't you? You can tell, he's hiding the truth. Tell him, tell them all. Show them what we can do when combined, that we aren't as weak as they presumed.'[/I] She twitched slightly, before scanning over Gabe coldly. "Your first lie was that you said you would tell only two and one truth. You weren't born in Hoboken, wherever that happens to be in New Jersey. You didn't grow up not knowing you parents, and you most defiantly do not have over five hundred thousand dollars in that bag." All previous hesitation seemed gone, instead she pointed out his fibs as if it was nothing. Her eyes were set in a cold glare, before returning to their normal state. She had a distressed look on her face, and back up a bit. "Um, s-sorry." Tiffany watched as Gabe began to speak with Katherine, and took another sip from her drink. That demon was really getting on her nerves, and she hated it. Hated the feeling of disgust she felt for people that tried to deceive her, and hated the fact that she knew she couldn't look at them the same again.