[quote=LordZell] We don't have a space force also your supposed to pm that to duck [/quote] Apparently space forces do exist. Or at least the Asian Federation believes they do, as Duck has equipped them with orbital weapons that possess similarities to the kinetic-bombardment satellites of [i]Project Thor[/i]: [url=http://www.nytimes.com/2006/12/10/magazine/10section3a.t-9.html?_r=0] [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment#Real_life_concepts_and_theories] [url=http://tonova.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c556453ef0168e6c0a6aa970c-pi] The idea of this being a 'small' satellite system is ridiculous. [quote=BB] EC is just starting to use lasers at an experimental level with their elite forces.And I think erryone already agreed that the current level of armor is at the light exoskeleton level, not power armor because of the European Consolidation precedent. [/quote] I'm trying to figure out why lasers are still experimental weapons in 2035. And why one player faction has successfully branded itself as the most advanced civilization on the planet.