His multiple eyes gave him excellent vision of his foe, though the well-lit terrain hardly made that a remarkable feat. The Akarid stood at 7ft beside the lean-two in plain view, across the rode beside a massive white boulder his enemy stood awaiting his arrival, bellowing out a pointless challenge to his methodical mind. Large, the giantess perhaps, the armour would prove difficult to manage. He raised his upper-right arm, for he had twice the normal appendages of a man and the lower body of a spider. The Archivist had a great store of information at his disposal, and he intended to use that knowledge now to learn what he could of his opponent. Such a large foe was quickly scanned and searched for by his Data-pad, he would have what data he sought in a short period of time. For now though, his own tactical observations had to be made. The bald, snub and inhuman grotesque face of a man swerved as he took stock of the field. It was disgustingly even, though as the smaller of the two combatants there was potential to use his foe’s size against her. Bushes clung to either side of the road, and narrow trees which could make for excellent obstructions or traps. He scuttled forward on all eight legs, his arms folded and claws displayed, wet with his poison and deadly to even the most powerful foe. The armour would prove difficult perhaps, but there were ways to bring big warrior types down and the Archivist was nothing if not resourceful. When he reached his side of the road he decided some polite conversation was in order, or that was what he seemed to be doing at any rate. “I am the Archivist, take solace in that your data will be added to the Archive, and your memory will live on when you meet your end” he rasped. The Akarid was fully aware that nothing was permanent in the Nexus of Worlds, but it amused him to be so cold and calculating in his prediction of the future.