[b]Turn 2 Begins[/b] [hider=USA] Research: As Russia is starting to advance at a crazy rate the USA has decided to start research on more advanced military armor that can block much more bullets: Unsuccessful (Nothing Happened) Start advancing the Levees in the southern parts of the country such as New Orleans: Successful, +2 Safety from Natural disasters (Less deaths from them) Start creating nuclear reactors in larger cities such as Atlanta and New York: Unsuccessful, No gain or Loss 3: Begin to create more ports across the country for easier shipping: Successful, +1 Easy Trade (Easier Trade) Political Update: 1: Create a military base in New Orleans: Unsuccessful, -1 military Pop (Harder to invade) 2: Lower taxes in areas around the country: Successful, +1 Happiness, -10000$ (Less chance at revolutions, Less money to research) 3: Senate has started a vote to impeach Bill Clinton: Successful, He is gone. Al Gore is now president. (New President) 4: Send troops across the states that boarder Mexico: Successful, Mexico is scared (Mexico is scared) [/hider] [hider=Russia] Research: Under political pressure to restore the greatness of the Russian people, President Putin decides to dust off some old Russian military projects, most of them being nothing but prestige operation in the hope to boost national moral and unity. One of those however receives particular attention. NUCLEAR POWERED FLIGHT, already having been done as a test flight in the 60s, but got stopped due to the advent of missiles and submarines, was dusted off from the Tupolev design bureau. The aim was to create a sizable aircraft that could fly for months, essentially serving the role of an airborn submarine. It would allow to keep AWAC planes and bombers in the air for months with crew rotation and make detection, first and second strike, nuclear or conventional, much easier and cheaper to manage: Successful, (Experiment version of plane created) Economy 1: International sales to african and south american leaders of old Soviet era ground equipment to free Russia from the cost of maintaining nearly obsolete equipment and make some profit with that: Successful, +10000 to money (More money to research) 2: Modernization of the Russian Rail Network with an emphasis on heavy transport of either commercial goods or military assets. Unsuccessful (Nothing Happens) 3: Creation of a Plastic's division in Gazprom, state owned petroleum company, and construction of a first plant aimed at making plastic in Russia, rather then sell the oil to say, the germans and buy back the finished products. Successful, Gazprom is created (Oil is now a resource Russia can create easier) Political: 1: Integration of the Communist party in government function as part of a coalition in the Duma (Parliament), prime minister is now Veronika Tolstoi. The communists, even if part of a coalition, still take great time to constantly propose things Putin's party would refuse as to make it seem like he's unwilling to cooperate. Successful (Communist can now become leaders) 2: Corruption, as it impairs the ability of the government to work, and thus to fight against enemies of the state, will be considered as high treason and, most likely, be sentenced by death from now on. A few well known high level officials are made example of: Successful (Putin is scared) 3: Unemployment benefits demand mandatory participation to a 'Social Rehabilitation Through Work' program where the person goes to work in exchange for a small pay and his living expenses taken care of. Foreign observers call it a modern gulag for the poor but Russian officials stress that they are paid as to allow them back in society and can leave whenever they want as long as they don't end up in the streets. Loitering is also now taken more seriously with homeless being given the choice between prison and work camp. Needless to say, prison conditions are made so horrible work camps becomes the best alternative. Successful, (Less prisoners, higher production rate) 4: Creation of a modern electronic surveillance facility outside of Moscow to be operated by the Federal Security Bureau. Its size should allow future development and the storage of everything ever written in the history of mankind on its data bank, this, obviously, on the sole objective on cracking down on terrorists from the Caucasus. Of course, as corruption is now considered High Treason, 'random' checks on corporate servers and in the files of important individuals are possible: Unsuccessful, (Terrorists are now more confident) WAR 5: Renewed offensive in Chechenya with the aim to make Grozny fall as soon as possible while containing the fights there, so fighters are as unable as possible to retreat in the mountains and make this a guerrilla nightmare: Tied so far WAR 6: Complete media blackout and interdiction in Chechenya, no civil flight and regular air patrol to bomb anything coming through its borders as they could be 'Foreign terrorists' coming to help their Muslim brethren. All of this, of course, to facilitate the use of heavy artillery and deny any and all collateral damage to the civilian population. Successful, (Terrorists lose confidence) WAR 7: Subtle manipulation from the communist party to rally soldiers to their cause, with no actual unified message, eg, you think we should bomb the Chechens more? The communist party would do it, join it. You think we should stop bombing the Chechens? That's what the communists want! Keep the message as vague as possible but convince people that somehow, the communists wouldn't have done this the same: (Successful, Communist party has a higher chance of taking over) WAR 8: Fabricate report that the other Caucasus countries are supporting Chechenya and domestic terrorism in Russia. Doesn't matter if it doesn't work in foreign country, the aim is to get Russians on board the idea of broadening the war: (Successful, Turkey is now scared) [/hider] [hider=Israel] Research: Under Pressure from multiple people in the government Israel has started much more research with trade: Unsuccessful (Nothing happened) Economic Update: 1: Modernize Jerusalem: Successful, (More immigrants, Higher Pop) 2: Start Producing Nukes: Unsuccessful (Chance of Nukes being created go down) 3: Build a railway across Israel: Unsuccessful (Nothing happened) Political Update: 1: Send units to the borders around the country: Successful (Jordan is scared) 2: Fortify Gaza: Unsuccessful (Higher chance for Gaze to rebel) 3: Fortify the West Bank: Successful (Lower chance for West Bank to rebel) 4: Start Trading with other countries: Unsuccessful (Nothing happened) [/hider] [hider=Kebab aka Turkey] Research: Start researching nukes in Istanbul: Successful (early nukes created) 1: Start selling old Turkish weapons to other middle eastern countries: Unsuccessful (Nothing Happened) 2: Modernize trade ships: Successful (Easier Trade) 3: Create a plane factory in Istanbul Unsuccessful (Planes are harder to produce) Political: 1: Start trading with other middle eastern countries for Oil: Unsuccessful (Nothing happened) 2: Start the operation on plan O for no more Greece: (Successful, Greece is now Scared) 3: Move troops close to the border between Greece and Turkey trying to coax a war: Successful (Greece wants a war) 4: Create a Spy Network known as TSA in Istanbul: Unsuccessful (Terrorists are more confident) [/hider] [hider=Greece] Research: Under Pressure from multiple people in the government Greece has started much more research into military. They have started to try and develop nukes so they could hopefully defend any attack Turkey would try to do: Successful (Early nukes created, not tested) Economic Update: 1: Start to create a railway to across the country so Athens could get more good quickly: Successful (Easier production of goods) 2: Start trading with Serbia and other countries in the Balkans who want Turkey Gone: Unsuccessful (Nothing Happened) 3: Start Modernizing Athens: Unsuccessful (Nothing Happened) Political Update: 1: Start integrating the Byzantine Liberation Movements leaders into the government so they could help influence other countries to attack Turkey: Successful (+2 influence on wanting to attack Turkey) 2: Start a draft all across Greece in which anyone drafted must serve 5 years in the branch of the military they are brought into: Successful (Military becomes stronger) 3: Start creating spy networks all across Greece so no Turkish Terrorists can do anything to land that rightfully belongs to the great nation of Greece: (Unsuccessful, Byzantine Liberation movement start killing Turks in Athens) 4: Create a much larger port in the Peloponnese as if Greece starts Plan B(yzantium) they will need much better ports for trade and ships: Unsuccessful (Nothing happened) [/hider] [hider=For Cams Company] 1 Buys shares in rival companies in the States: Successful (More money) 2 Expand factories in Iceland: Unsuccessful (Less trust from Iceland natives) 3 Offer discounts to Greece: Successful (Greece gets cheaper prices and Cam's company gets more money) Political: Fund election campaigns in Iceland: Unsuccessful (Nothing happens) Arrange to covertly send delegates speak to the CSA: Successful (The Delegate gets there) WAR Send a Security Tasks Group of 2000 troops to Egypt from our outpost in Morocco . It's an expeditionary project, I promise: Successful (They get there) [/hider]